Being a veteran doesn’t excuse being a racist. Being a veteran doesn’t mean I have to respect his authoritarian ideas on compelling patriotic displays. It’s not what this nation was founded on. Go to North Korea if you want all citizens to salute dear leader on command.
the racists are the in the party you support which has kept black America enslaved in poverty for over 40 years.
the racists are in the party you support which fought the freedom of slaves, created the KKK and stars and bars in 48 etc .
but to deflect that attention to your misdeeds you point the finger at someone who put his ass on the line and has earned the right to speak out on all issues including race . A man who was willing to take a bullet for you and me and should always be allowed to enjoy the free speech he fought for without anyone , especially not a REMF attacking his honor and his integrity. You sir or madam with your cheap use of buzz words are a slime ball in every way.
come huck a ruck with him or me dodging rounds and every other destructive device and then and only then do you earn the right to look in judgement of someone else.
that man earned the right to be a free speaking American and you at best are a sanctimonious wannabe.