Half Empty? NFL


Well-Known Member
Did you and DIDO post your American and POW/MIA flags for the Memorial Day weekend?

Oh wait...your homies may think you've defected to the other side.


Well-Known Member
I don’t. Just vets with some feeling of entitlement to be the only voice on the matter.

I never claimed to be the only voice but it would be nice if you and your crew could contribute some substance to the debate instead of:
What's in it for me;
I am entitled;
What have I contributed to my country and;
I'm not able to think for myself so I'll do what my people are doing even though I'm not sure why.


Staff member
I have never met one of what you r suggesting

I never claimed to be the only voice but it would be nice if you and your crew could contribute some substance to the debate instead of:
What's in it for me;
I am entitled;
What have I contributed to my country and;
I'm not able to think for myself so I'll do what my people are doing even though I'm not sure why.

Really guys? Read newfie’s posts. When patriotism comes up, suddenly all the questions of, “Where did you serve?” The implication being having not served means one is unpatriotic.

We’re in the nfl thread. Somehow it is construed that kneeling players are not only unpatriotic but insulting to vets.

That’s all a bunch of bull crap instigated by the president that they idolize. Kneeling players came long before Trump opened his hole on the matter and quite frankly, nobody really gave a damn.


Well-Known Member
Just the ones that post literature written by white supremacists as the basis for their arguments.

Literature or no literature...it is a known fact there are more blacks in prison perhaps because they committed crimes that got them there.

Perhaps if they didn't feel the world owes them something they could actually get a job, not make babies, not suck the welfare system dry and actually ( there's that word again) get a job and contribute to society.


Staff member
Yeah there's something about people crapping all over the country, the flag, and the military that brings it out of them.
I don’t buy that. Just baby boomers being babies and “waaaaaaaaing” loud enough so someone will pay them on the head and “thank them for their service” or point them in a direction to be outraged at.

Seriously. If there is one group that this president promised to take care of and has continuously crapped on, it’s veterans. But he’s got an (R) for party affiliation so I guess there’s that.


Victory Ride
Really guys? Read newfie’s posts. When patriotism comes up, suddenly all the questions of, “Where did you serve?” The implication being having not served means one is unpatriotic.

We’re in the nfl thread. Somehow it is construed that kneeling players are not only unpatriotic but insulting to vets.

That’s all a bunch of bull crap instigated by the president that they idolize. Kneeling players came long before Trump opened his hole on the matter and quite frankly, nobody really gave a damn.
Just saying ...when I hear the National Anthem .... my direct thoughts r 2 the men and women that served r country ....from the revolutionary war 2 present day .... I meditate on those who died in those wars in order for us 2 live free today


Staff member
You are right...
No one gives a dam.
I truly hope the NFL is boycotted out of existence.

How many Memorial Day events that honor the dead (not beer and BBQ) are you attending this weekend?

I have three on my calendar. How about you?
I don’t have a calendar.