Wrong part of Texas, we only have trees, cows and oil wells here.
BTW, I am on vacation this week and have jury duty on Monday.
dont step in a cow pie sat!
Wrong part of Texas, we only have trees, cows and oil wells here.
BTW, I am on vacation this week and have jury duty on Monday.
congratulations???? loland have jury duty on Monday.
My dream is a two month trial to keep out of the Texas heat.congratulations???? lol
God forbid they elect me foreman of the jury.
I could milk that trial through peak.
Read what the man wrote before you post that he's a fool !!...he said he's on vacation this week and on jury duty on Monday!!.....now who looks foolish???What kind of fool does jury duty while on vacation. All you have to do is tell the court your out of town on vacation.
Read what the man wrote before you post that he's a fool !!...he said he's on vacation this week and on jury duty on Monday!!.....now who looks foolish???
First off no one ever wanted to strike, but we were prepared to strike to protect what we have. It was a long two month process with nothing getting done until the very early hours this morning. We accepted a handshake agreement before start time for our package car drivers so they could inform the customers that we reached an agreement. Load stand you can piss on out of here because you obviously had no idea what we were fighting for. Heres some of the agreements.
All ftime jobs created from 1997 through this agreement are protected from elimination,
Any feeder driver that gets laid off now can bump anywere in the 705 juristication (previously it was within district),
Any employee that gets laid off will maintain their current rate of pay,
any fulltimer can bid into any other ftime job up or down in pay,
No subcontracting of any work if we have union employees willing to do and available hours (this is huge),
We will regain the cross country feeder work,
triple time for 9.5 with no opt in or out list,
A letter of understanding in the contract detailing that air drivers cannot deliver or pick up grounds,
no 2 tier pay scales for anyone (everyone in the classification will make the same), no ptime package drivers (which was offered by the company),
expedited arbitration ( anyone that is disciplined and goes to panel will have an arbitrator sitting there and will make a decision if the two sides deadlock on the spot)
an additional week of vacation for 30 years of service and an extra optional day for all employees,
stronger swing driver language detailing seniority rights,
We retain our seniority language compared to the companies proposal,
All feeder drivers can now have c.b radios
no on call feeder drivers
We received the same economic proposal that the national received and improved on alot of our language protecting our jobs, work place rights, and contract enforcement. We also do not have act of god or emergency conditions language under article 3 section 7 for sups working, they are not allowed to work period.
As i have said it was never about the money, and i would like to thank those of you that have supported us through out these talks. I am spent and plan on spending some time with my family over the next few days. Also im very impressed with the solidarity of all of my fellow brothers and sisters in 705 that supported all of us on the negotiating committee and i only hope that you understand that we addressed alot of issues without giving up anything! No jobs were traded away, no one was sold out as in the 2 tier pay scales and we as 705 upsers can stand proud. I hope that we on the committee represented you and all of your concerns. Now lets go out there and get some sales leads and help make more money for the next contract. Red
Red, I'm not going to comment to much about what you got and what you said you wanted and did not get. I am very pleased that your local and UPS came to terms. It looks like you got some things you wanted and so did UPS. That's why in my eye's its good for everyone. I still think this could have been done quietly with out the strike threats.
A letter of understanding in the contract detailing that air drivers cannot deliver or pick up grounds,
That is how we do it in our District, I think its the right thing to do, same if a customer goes up to an air driver with a ground package, thay should take it, but I wonder if that's how local 705 does it? or what the spirit of this letter was when discussed in negotiations?....can someone from Local 705 tell us how its done there?I think that Air Drivers that pick up Letter Boxes do pick up Ground RS packages. If they pickup or deliver Ground somewhere else, then the company has to pay Full Time Cover Driver pay. At least thats how it is everywhere else.
Can somebody elaborate on this? So Air drivers are not supposed to pick up grounds from customers so they just tell them, "sorry, you'll have to keep that ground package."(that ought to be good for business) or just leave grounds in the letterboxes until the next day and have a regular driver pick them up?
Air drivers are scheduled to do late pickups at customers to get additional air packages after the fulltime driver has been there. They are not suppose to pick up grounds and the bd reps will have to go in and explain the reason they have a late pick up.
Who is going to file grievances then? I would bet that every single pm air driver comes back into the building at night with ground packages in their car.
I would file this grievance. The company abuses these air drivers while they bust our ftime package routes and then have a lower paid air driver do the work. This will get the air driver paid top out package rate an get that package driver that got sent home paid for the day.
I'm waiting to see the whole contract posted but it looks like all pter's got was a measly raise and 1 extra day off.
I think that Air Drivers that pick up Letter Boxes do pick up Ground RS packages. If they pickup or deliver Ground somewhere else, then the company has to pay Full Time Cover Driver pay. At least thats how it is everywhere else.
If an air driver comes in with 1 ground package i wont file that. If the air driver goes to a letter box and everyday the same customer has grounds in it i address it with management and have them contact the customer. If it happens again than the air driver ill get paid package car rate.That is how we do it in our District, I think its the right thing to do, same if a customer goes up to an air driver with a ground package, thay should take it, but I wonder if that's how local 705 does it? or what the spirit of this letter was when discussed in negotiations?....can someone from Local 705 tell us how its done there?
If an air driver comes in with 1 ground package i wont file that. If the air driver goes to a letter box and everyday the same customer has grounds in it i address it with management and have them contact the customer. If it happens again than the air driver ill get paid package car rate.
We have air drivers going into the same pick ups every day only picking up grounds and little to no air. That is not the description of an air driver and is used to avoid using package drivers.
Red, I'm not going to comment to much about what you got and what you said you wanted and did not get. I am very pleased that your local and UPS came to terms. It looks like you got some things you wanted and so did UPS. That's why in my eye's its good for everyone. I still think this could have been done quietly with out the strike threats.
Can somebody elaborate on this? So Air drivers are not supposed to pick up grounds from customers so they just tell them, "sorry, you'll have to keep that ground package."(that ought to be good for business) or just leave grounds in the letterboxes until the next day and have a regular driver pick them up?
Who is going to file grievances then? I would bet that every single pm air driver comes back into the building at night with ground packages in their car.
I'm waiting to see the whole contract posted but it looks like all pter's got was a measly raise and 1 extra day off.
Not in 705 this will not be happening!It is my understanding:
air drivers can be used for "execption", such as ground/3 day in drop boxes and pickups IF the regular driver has already passed the business by on his/her route.
This is bull, because I.E. can bend these rules by having large business earlier on routes and the regular driver does not go by there after 5pm. This leaves the PM air driver to arrive at 7pm, awaiting 100 ground packages, when the business is closing and management saying "well the regular driver was already there at 3!"
Not in 705 this will not be happening!