It is my understanding:
air drivers can be used for "execption", such as ground/3 day in drop boxes and pickups IF the regular driver has already passed the business by on his/her route.
This is bull, because I.E. can bend these rules by having large business earlier on routes and the regular driver does not go by there after 5pm. This leaves the PM air driver to arrive at 7pm, awaiting 100 ground packages, when the business is closing and management saying "well the regular driver was already there at 3!"
This is one of those issues that seems to fit the having your cake and not eating it scenario. I would think the company and union could hammer out some language where p/t drivers could be used to help shorten the work day of the full time driver.
I guess the union sees a threat here to having a p/t air driver handle ground packages they find in drop boxes but I think its overstated.