I have plenty of sticky notes....don't be surprised if these start showing up on Ralph's & Albertson's shelves.
2012 Election Cancelled
Obama Buoyed by 100 Percent Approval Rating
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – In what historians are calling an unprecedented development in American politics, both major parties decided today to cancel the 2012 election.
The decision to scrap the 2012 contest came on the heels of a new poll showing President Barack Obama with an approval rating of one hundred percent, believed to be a record high for an American president.
Mr. Obama even polled well among Republicans, with a majority of GOP voters agreeing with the statement, “I no longer care that he wasn’t born here.”
The new bipartisan spirit sweeping the nation was captured well by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), who tearfully told reporters, “This is a great day for America… oh, leave me alone,it.”
Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump made no official announcement, but sources said he was considering running for Prime Minister of Canada.
The cancellation of the election comes in the aftermath of the death of Osama bin Laden, whose last words reportedly were, “I knew I shouldn’t have signed up for Foursquare.”
Of all the major news networks, Fox News did not report news of bin Laden’s death, saying that it would air cartoons “until further notice.”
In Libya, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi issued the following official statement: “Uh-oh.”
In North Korea, President Kim Jong-Il said this: “I have lost my last friend on Facebook.”
And in Wasilla, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said this: “We must find and kill Osama bin Laden.”
I think this belongs in "Heard Any Good Ones" but nevertheless I still got a chuckle out of this obvious joke piece.
More serious note, Obama is certainly going to get a bump but I'm not sure it'll last long enough to make a difference in the election. Now if he solved the debt crisis and got unemployment under 8% I'd say he'd be a shoe-in.
Reducing the unemployment rate is easy. STOP OUTSOURCING! But no, we Americans love our cheap crap.
A weak dollar at home is one of the best ways, in the short term, to stimulate growth and increase the Gross Domestic Product. It generally means that anything with the good old “Made in the USA” label is cheaper for foreign countries to buy, and American exports will increase. In theory, this means that foreign funds flow into the country, domestic production increases, and jobs are added. Just as a weak dollar brings more foreign tourists to US shores, it also means that foreign investors flock to the US stock market. This increased demand can be the start of an upward trend in stock prices.
Hmmm, now that u/obl has been killed( or not killed in a made for USA movie as some have speculated), wouldn't it make sense to start troop withdrawal in the mid east? When that happens will that not re-stock the unemployment lines with people looking for jobs?Reducing the unemployment rate is easy. STOP OUTSOURCING! But no, we Americans love our cheap crap.
Rassmussen, he official Fox news corp polling company.
Why dont you cite the AP, The new York times, and such? Left winger official polls.
Oh yeah, they dont skew polling data with fox news watchers.
Just like the others wont skew it for Obama Kool-aid drinkers.
Obama just sealed the deal on 2012. An absolutely courageous action by an incredibly competent and poised President. He's got more intelligence in one of his turds than his "competition". As hard as they try to deny this man credit, most Americans are smart enough to see through the smarmy maneuvering from the usual suspects on the Right. You've got absolutely nothing left, so you start throwing crap like a monkey at the zoo. Good luck with that. It just makes Rush and the rest look even more foolish.
Where I do agree (regrettably) that O-has probably secured a 2nd term...its hardly because he's so competent & courageous, call it whatever you want but it was years of researching & hunting and torturing terrorists (which you liberals can't stand). Most Americans are so dumb that they take whatever is fed to them (which I'm sure you'll jump on and say ts all FOX news viewers). People who get all their news from any major news station and use it exclusively are not "That smart" and its a joke that SOLELY on the finding/killing of this jerk-off will be enough to have these "smart Americans" re-elect someone who has done little else...Unless, that is if you count ramming health care down the countries collective throat
None of the crap you just flung stuck to the wall. Try again. And yes, the dumb Americans are the ones who are glued to FOX. Obama has been an excellent President, even if you disregard the death of OBL.
ok, here's something from The NY TIMES; Wellesley entrepreneur Aaron Kushner is preparing to offer more than $200 million to buy the Boston Globe from the New York Times Co. ( which paid $1.1 billion cash in 1993 for it. )Rassmussen, he official Fox news corp polling company. Why dont you cite the AP, The new York times, and such?
Oh yeah, they dont skew polling data with fox news watchers.
I consume no Kool-Aid. QUOTE]
We know thats a big fat lie. Here is your award:
I consume no Kool-Aid. It looks like Rush is telling you to drink "Rootin' Tootin' Raspberry" today. Will tomorrow's flavor be "Kenyan Kiwi"?
True it didn't stick to the wall, it stuck to your face. Just like a good secret service agent, you took the bullet.None of the crap you just flung stuck to the wall. Try again. And yes, the dumb Americans are the ones who are glued to FOX. Obama has been an excellent President, even if you disregard the death of OBL.
Why don't YOU post them?Rassmussen, he official Fox news corp polling company. Why dont you cite the AP, The new York times, and such?
Oh yeah, they dont skew polling data with fox news watchers.