Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


Strength through joy
A good leader leads . Our current leader has a bad habit of bowing to every other countries leaders, thus telling them that he acknowledges them to be of a higher rank.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
George gave-up and de-funded the hunt for Osama. Is that like Clinton who did not take out Bin Laden when he had the chance?

Interesting that all of your responses are exactly the same as those of Chris Mathews. Fixed it for ya.:wink2:

What a coincidence. Do you ever have original thoughts? Do you?[/QUOTE]

Lue C Fur

Evil member
You should give Obama credit because if the mission had failed Mogadishu style you would have crucified him for giving the go-ahead, not the SEALs for botching the mission. Strange how that works.

And you would have blamed the Seals instead of the Messiah...Hmmmm.


Engorged Member
I guess Obama bending over to the Chinese is OK too...but the kissing of their arse is what disturbed me.

It's called cultural respect. Bush would have handed the Chinese a donut and told a Chinese laundry joke or something just as inappropriate. Remember, this is the guy who claims to be from Texas and almost choked when he tried to eat a tamale with the husk still on it. Obama is worldly enough to try and understand other cultures from their perspective instead of acting like the Lone Ranger. Smart guy that Obama.


Für Meno :)
Moreluck will need to behave a wee bit. I seen our future King William with wife Kate will be visiting California, after their Canada visit.
Take plenty of pics, will ya, More ?
Oh, and make sure you don't bend over to them !