Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


Staff member
RCP regularly collates polling data from all the major polling companies, Rasmussen included.

Looks like he's getting a bounce from OBL, I doubt it will last long without some help from the economy.
RCP regularly collates polling data from all the major polling companies, Rasmussen included.

Looks like he's getting a bounce from OBL, I doubt it will last long without some help from the economy.
Of course BH0 got a bump in ratings, as he should. IMHO, he made a good decision. As far as it's impact on the elections, I'm not sure it will out weigh the economy, jobs and the deficit. I guess we'll see.


Well-Known Troll
None of the crap you just flung stuck to the wall. Try again. And yes, the dumb Americans are the ones who are glued to FOX. Obama has been an excellent President, even if you disregard the death of OBL.

You love the idea of smearing crap on walls, don't you? Perhaps someone had a :censored2:ty childhood (sorry for lame pun). And yes, the dumb americans are the people who voted for Obama SOLELY cause he was black...and Obama is a TERRIBLE president not counting the death of OBL


golden ticket member
Obama just sealed the deal on 2012. An absolutely courageous action by an incredibly competent and poised President. He's got more intelligence in one of his turds than his "competition". As hard as they try to deny this man credit, most Americans are smart enough to see through the smarmy maneuvering from the usual suspects on the Right. You've got absolutely nothing left, so you start throwing crap like a monkey at the zoo. Good luck with that. It just makes Rush and the rest look even more foolish.

It's all glory to the Navy seals and the execution of the plan !!! Why should you give Obama credit, when you won't hold him responsible for economy or anything else. Thankyou George!


Engorged Member
It's all glory to the Navy seals and the execution of the plan !!! Why should you give Obama credit, when you won't hold him responsible for economy or anything else. Thankyou George!

George gave-up and de-funded the hunt for Osama. Interesting that all of your responses are exactly the same as those of Right Wing pundits. What a coincidence. Do you ever have original thoughts?


golden ticket member
George gave-up and de-funded the hunt for Osama. Interesting that all of your responses are exactly the same as those of Right Wing pundits. What a coincidence. Do you ever have original thoughts?
Hey, I've been away since Sunday morn......no TV......those are my own thoughts !!


Staff member
It's all glory to the Navy seals and the execution of the plan !!! Why should you give Obama credit, when you won't hold him responsible for economy or anything else. Thankyou George!

You should give Obama credit because if the mission had failed Mogadishu style you would have crucified him for giving the go-ahead, not the SEALs for botching the mission. Strange how that works.


golden ticket member
You can't have it both ways.....either O is a responsible leader from 2008 'til now or he's not held responsible for anything. ONE WAY ONLY !!


Engorged Member
You should give Obama credit because if the mission had failed Mogadishu style you would have crucified him for giving the go-ahead, not the SEALs for botching the mission. Strange how that works.

Exactly. They would criticize him either way.


Staff member
You can't have it both ways.....either O is a responsible leader from 2008 'til now or he's not held responsible for anything. ONE WAY ONLY !!

You don't get Obama. He picks his moments. What you seem to think is lack of leadership is anything but. The guy is savvy and the right continues to underestimate him. For instance, after Ryan put out his budget and the public back-lashed, all the republicans could do was say that the democrats should put one out too. Translation: "We can't defend our position so we would like someone else to start taking the heat." Why should he jump into that morass? That's a debate that will take place months from now after the debt ceiling debate. But the republicans jumped in anyway.


golden ticket member
You don't get Obama. He picks his moments. What you seem to think is lack of leadership is anything but. The guy is savvy and the right continues to underestimate him. For instance, after Ryan put out his budget and the public back-lashed, all the republicans could do was say that the democrats should put one out too. Translation: "We can't defend our position so we would like someone else to start taking the heat." Why should he jump into that morass? That's a debate that will take place months from now after the debt ceiling debate. But the republicans jumped in anyway.
This is how he fails to lead and just reacts....It's not good enough for the American people...we deserve a real leader.


Engorged Member
You don't get Obama. He picks his moments. What you seem to think is lack of leadership is anything but. The guy is savvy and the right continues to underestimate him. For instance, after Ryan put out his budget and the public back-lashed, all the republicans could do was say that the democrats should put one out too. Translation: "We can't defend our position so we would like someone else to start taking the heat." Why should he jump into that morass? That's a debate that will take place months from now after the debt ceiling debate. But the republicans jumped in anyway.

Reveal the secret weapon. They will implode.


golden ticket member
We all have our own opinions as to what makes a good leader.........whether it's a club, troop, pack, corporation or country. We don't all study the art of war.


Staff member
We all have our own opinions as to what makes a good leader.........whether it's a club, troop, pack, corporation or country. We don't all study the art of war.
West Point requires it. Corporations teach it. I would bet 80% of Congress understands Obama's moves within it's context.