Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


Well-Known Member
You'd think she'd tell her 'party' to at least have a pleasant look on their faces while looking at local foods......bunch of sour pusses!! See the kid in the black jacket, arms crossed, totally does not want to be there!!

She is a typical teenager.

The girls may not appreciate it now but they will look back on this trip someday and realize just how fortunate they were to be able to see a part of their history.


golden ticket member
They were born in Chicago as was Mommy.....why aren't they touring there? Unless they are visiting Daddy's birthplace!!
The only reason I give a crap about what Mrs.0 is doing is because our country...OUR country is in economic crisis and the tax money spent on these vacations is a continual drain of tax dollars for nothing more than political posturing. Anyone that thinks what Mrs.0 is doing is going to make one bit of difference in the quality of life for anyone is fooling themselves. How lucky for the children of Mr. and Mrs. 0 that they have an entire country paying for them have such grand opprotunities to see the world, when there are children right here in the USA that have little to nothing to eat.


Staff member
The only reason I give a crap about what Mrs.0 is doing is because our country...OUR country is in economic crisis and the tax money spent on these vacations is a continual drain of tax dollars for nothing more than political posturing. Anyone that thinks what Mrs.0 is doing is going to make one bit of difference in the quality of life for anyone is fooling themselves. How lucky for the children of Mr. and Mrs. 0 that they have an entire country paying for them have such grand opprotunities to see the world, when there are children right here in the USA that have little to nothing to eat.
Could you say the same for nearly every single elected official in the United States Federal government as well as many state current an retired?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The only reason I give a crap about what Mrs.0 is doing is because our country...OUR country is in economic crisis and the tax money spent on these vacations is a continual drain of tax dollars for nothing more than political posturing. Anyone that thinks what Mrs.0 is doing is going to make one bit of difference in the quality of life for anyone is fooling themselves. How lucky for the children of Mr. and Mrs. 0 that they have an entire country paying for them have such grand opprotunities to see the world, when there are children right here in the USA that have little to nothing to eat.

Did you say the same when Laura Bush was traveling the world as this country crashed and burned? Do you recall Laura Bush was in africa for a longer period of time then Michele Obama?



Strength through joy
Did you say the same when Laura Bush was traveling the world as this country crashed and burned? Do you recall Laura Bush was in africa for a longer period of time then Michele Obama?

Do you recall the number of people on Laura's FLOTUS staff ?
It surely wasn't 25.
I think we have to pay something like $5 million a year to support a woman who has no real official duties .


Strength through joy
JUNE +18,000 JOBS...
April, May revised: -44,000...
Top Obama adviser says unemployment won't be key in 2012...
Dow drops 100+ points in first minute...



free at last.......
JUNE +18,000 JOBS...
April, May revised: -44,000...
Top Obama adviser says unemployment won't be key in 2012...
Dow drops 100+ points in first minute...


I believe there were 39,000 jobs lost in the public sector in June. There were gains in the private sector.

If things keep going down the path they are headed.......we aint seen nothing yet. I blame both parties. They're all a bunch of kids fighting in the sand box. They all have more concern for themselves and their re-elections than the good of the country. I don't know what the answer to our problems are.......but I'm pretty sure neither party will have a solution that is going to work. Of course the ones that will weather the upcoming storm will be the ones with the biggest boats. Those with the rubber rafts will perish. Which is what I think the game has been all along. You see what we did to the Native Americans when they became a problem.

We're making it a heck of a lot easier for China to step in and "protect its' investment".


Strength through joy
(Palm Beach Post) — In his latest weekly update to constituents, U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Plantation, “I must confess, when I see anyone with an Obama 2012 bumper sticker, I recognize them as a threat to the gene pool.”


Strength through joy
DCCC raising money off West email
Friend --
Last night, Republican Rep. Allen West sent a disgraceful e-mail outburst to one of our most accomplished colleagues in the House, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, telling her to "shut the heck up" for daring to challenge the GOP plan to gut Medicare and Social Security to pay for tax cuts for billionaires.
I wish I could say I was surprised.
Unfortunately, this is exactly the sort of partisan tantrum we're used to from House Republicans as they push our economy to the brink of disaster while pandering to their Tea Party base.
We can't let this shameful display go unanswered.

Contribute $3 or more right now to help us defeat disgraceful Republicans like Allen West in 2012. My Democratic colleagues are so appalled that they've agreed to match all gifts today dollar-for-dollar up to our $100,000 goal.>
This kind of appalling behavior is all too familiar from Congressman West, who has riled up his extremist right-wing base by attacking progressive women for "neutering American men," calling supporters of President Obama, "a threat to the gene pool" and writing for a misogynist magazine that denigrated women with words I'd be ashamed to even repeat.
And now that he's in Congress, West thinks he can attack a respected legislator like Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz with this kind of hate-filled screed.
Allen West has shown us his true colors, now let's show him ours.
Contribute right now to help throw Allen West and his Tea Party colleagues out in 2012.
Let's make sure Republicans don't forget this moment.
Rep. Steve Israel
DCCC Chairman

I notice that what she said about West that led to the " shut the heck up" was left out as was the rest of the text (imagine that, a lefty taking something out of context). From the congress floor she made disparaging remarks about West in a veiled insult. He replied directly to her, saying if hse had anything to say to him, say it to his face or shut the heck up. I applaud him for not taking the crap she spews.


Well-Known Member
I've come to realize that out of an act of compassion I must work and do all I can to get Obama re-elected. Yeah I know, from one standpoint it's absolutely crazy talk but this truly is a life or death mission. You see, if Obama loses, Moreluck would have no more purpose in life, no more reason to live and I'm afraid she'd resort to something rash. Therefore we must all take one for the team and get Obama re-elected so Moreluck can have a stable and productive life!

And you thought I didn't have a caring bone in my body.

I don't!



golden ticket member
I've come to realize that out of an act of compassion I must work and do all I can to get Obama re-elected. Yeah I know, from one standpoint it's absolutely crazy talk but this truly is a life or death mission. You see, if Obama loses, Moreluck would have no more purpose in life, no more reason to live and I'm afraid she'd resort to something rash. Therefore we must all take one for the team and get Obama re-elected so Moreluck can have a stable and productive life!

And you thought I didn't have a caring bone in my body.

I don't!

Don't worry about my "purpose in life". No Obama, no problem. I'll just go from 4 to 8 Daily Quotes and several 'Heard Any Good Ones' instead of just one. It's funny how abundant the Obama crap is!! There are many many politicians I dislike, so the ammo is endless. "Ammo" , that's violent rhetoric from the right! Locked, loaded and ready for bear no matter which way the election goes!!


Strength through joy


Strength through joy
(Politico) — When Sen. Barack Obama began running for president in 2007, a small handful of determined, inspired supporters found a new political calling. A new group of professionals — from a San Juan jewelry store owner to a West Coast biotech executive — raised hundreds of thousands of dollars each for him and their “bundling” was crucial in helping Obama offset Hillary Clinton’s profound financial and institutional advantages.
Four years later, many of those new bundlers say they won’t be coming back. For reasons ranging from disillusion and dissatisfaction to an overriding sense that the once idealistic Obama crusade has become yet another soulless political behemoth, that inspired cadre of early Obama supporters has largely been replaced by professional Democratic Party operatives.
“It’s a political machine now,” said Pete Garcia, the chief financial officer of a Washington State biotech company who fell for Obama early and hard in 2008, and raised more than $200,0000 in his first dive into political fundraising.
“I will obviously vote, but I don’t think we’re going to be actively involved in raising money,” said Willard Taylor, a New York lawyer who, along with his wife Virginia Davies, hosted one of the first New York City Obama events in 2007, bucking the city’s nearly unified backing for Clinton.
“I think he’s done a terrible job with Organizing for America and for his base, and with the recognition of the people who worked for him,” Taylor said. “I frankly think the staff, the reelection staff, are incompetent fools.”