Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


Engorged Member
What a crock. Family demographics does not give you a pass on racism. A few courses of forced theology, does not make you an expert on Christianity. What you actually know about Jesus would probably fill a thimble at best, your sentence,(I entered this in 45 seconds, which is more time than you're worth." pretty much proves that.

You and your cronies here seem to think you've cornered the market on "God". There are many variations on a theme in Christianity, and I probably know a lot more about Christian theology than you think. From my perspective, Right Wing haters are anything but Jesus-like in their behavior, but they piously cling to their rigid belief systems that exclude everyone who isn't just like them. It's so obvious, yet you cannot see the forest for the trees. Amazing.

What most of you "know" in your little world is nothing, which is far smaller than a thimble. You're not bright enough (the group), to see how many ways you contradict Jesus and Christianity. Think Rush will make it to Heaven?



golden ticket member
You and your cronies here seem to think you've cornered the market on "God". There are many variations on a theme in Christianity, and I probably know a lot more about Christian theology than you think. From my perspective, Right Wing haters are anything but Jesus-like in their behavior, but they piously cling to their rigid belief systems that exclude everyone who isn't just like them. It's so obvious, yet you cannot see the forest for the trees. Amazing.

What most of you "know" in your little world is nothing, which is far smaller than a thimble. You're not bright enough (the group), to see how many ways you contradict Jesus and Christianity. Think Rush will make it to Heaven?


Either your sentence structure is weird, or you changed your beliefs......"Right Wing haters are anything but Jesus-like in their behavior, but they piously cling to their rigid belief systems that exclude everyone who isn't just like them."...........
This says that right wing haters (liberals) cling to their rigid belief systems etc. etc.


Staff member
You and your cronies here seem to think you've cornered the market on "God". There are many variations on a theme in Christianity, and I probably know a lot more about Christian theology than you think. From my perspective, Right Wing haters are anything but Jesus-like in their behavior, but they piously cling to their rigid belief systems that exclude everyone who isn't just like them. It's so obvious, yet you cannot see the forest for the trees. Amazing.

What most of you "know" in your little world is nothing, which is far smaller than a thimble. You're not bright enough (the group), to see how many ways you contradict Jesus and Christianity. Think Rush will make it to Heaven?


But as you say, there are other variations of Christianity. Wouldn't it be better and more convincing if instead of denegrating Christianity, you questioned it? And not even in an "interrogating" kind of way. For instance, I've often wondered if people wanting prayer and/or religious instruction in schools have thought that through. The variations of Christianity are referred to as different Christologies. Consider a Southern Baptist town in which a school began teaching "Sophia Christology" a far more maternalistic and feminine view. Would that offend? Of course it would, but it is Christianity. Or what if one were to teach strictly from the Book of John with it's extensive use of symbol and metaphor? Christianity has alot to offer and reveals itself to individuals in all different flavors. I am a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, but would have a hard time attending a Missouri or Wisconsin Synod church for any length of time. They are simply to rigid for my taste where as the ELCA is too lenient for theirs. I don't know why God doesn't smite them dead for their blasphemy.:wink2: But by your own admission you are pigeon-holing Christians as being right-wing fanaticals and while we do have some who act that way at times, it certainly falls far short of the entirety.


Staff member
Moreluck, when one is taking responsibility, "I" and "me" and "mine" and "we" and "are" and "myself" are the correct pronouns.


Für Meno :)
I hope not, i doubt it unemployment is going to be a big issue.

Well, you think wrong !
We just had elections, and many polls.

The #1 concern was the economy and jobs.
The other parties concentrated more on better healthcare and education.

Well, guess which party won ?


golden ticket member
Well, you think wrong !
We just had elections, and many polls.

The #1 concern was the economy and jobs.
The other parties concentrated more on better healthcare and education.

Well, guess which party won ?
Yeah, but we're talking USA, not Canada......apples & maple trees


Für Meno :)
Yeah, but we're talking USA, not Canada......apples & maple trees

Yes, in fact it is.
The newest job report just came out, and we have more jobs now, then before the recession ! Yet, it still remains the biggest concern here.

What do you think down south is the biggest concern ?

Nevermind, I forgot about the debt there !
You and your cronies here seem to think you've cornered the market on "God". There are many variations on a theme in Christianity, and I probably know a lot more about Christian theology than you think. From my perspective, Right Wing haters are anything but Jesus-like in their behavior, but they piously cling to their rigid belief systems that exclude everyone who isn't just like them. It's so obvious, yet you cannot see the forest for the trees. Amazing.

What most of you "know" in your little world is nothing, which is far smaller than a thimble. You're not bright enough (the group), to see how many ways you contradict Jesus and Christianity. Think Rush will make it to Heaven?

I've not read anywhere on this forum anyone claim to be be perfect or without sin. If anyone has, please point the statements out? You may have had a theology class or two, you may have even passed them using the cliff notes ,it sure wasn't because of any understanding of what Christianity teaches.

In your second paragraph your speculation is nothing more than that, in other words "you got nothing". I can't speak for anyone else, but I am well aware that I do not have the ability to walk on water and that is just the start of my personal short comings of being "Christ like". I sure hope that the rest of your studies at the university were more successful than the theology classes.

"Rush going to heaven ?" That's between Rush and God, it is not my nor your judgement to make.
I hope not, i doubt it unemployment is going to be a big issue.
Hi Benny, welcome to Brown cafe and here's hoping you enjoy your time here.

If I read your post correctly, you doubt 0bama will be re-elcected and that unemployment is going to be a big issue. The elections are still a way off and who knows what the majority of people casting votes will have for deciding factors. I know, for me, the economy and jobs will be very high on the list.
Well, you think wrong !
We just had elections, and many polls.

The #1 concern was the economy and jobs.
The other parties concentrated more on better healthcare and education.

Well, guess which party won ?
Maybe you need to re-read his statement before you tell him he's wrong.
...or keep in mind that the issues facing American and Canadian voters may not be the same...
Upstate, Benny said unemployment was going to be a big issue here, then, k with all his obtuse knowledge of all subjects tells him that he is wrong and says unemployment was a big issue there. Now, does that sound like a difference in c and the USA's issues or k not reading what Benny said?


Strength through joy
(Washington Examiner) — Dan McLaughlin at RedState.com notes an interesting parallel in acceptance rates at two of America’s best-known institutions.
McDonald’s recently received a million job applications during it’s one-day application event, while Harvard completed consideration of applicants for its 2015 freshman class. The fast-food chain accepted 62,000 of those applicants, which means, McLaughlin observes:
“That’s a 6.2% acceptance rate. Harvard College’s acceptance rate for the Class of 2015? 6.2%. In Barack Obama’s America, it’s officially now as difficult to get a job flipping hamburgers as it is to get into Harvard.”