Engorged Member
What a crock. Family demographics does not give you a pass on racism. A few courses of forced theology, does not make you an expert on Christianity. What you actually know about Jesus would probably fill a thimble at best, your sentence,(I entered this in 45 seconds, which is more time than you're worth." pretty much proves that.
You and your cronies here seem to think you've cornered the market on "God". There are many variations on a theme in Christianity, and I probably know a lot more about Christian theology than you think. From my perspective, Right Wing haters are anything but Jesus-like in their behavior, but they piously cling to their rigid belief systems that exclude everyone who isn't just like them. It's so obvious, yet you cannot see the forest for the trees. Amazing.
What most of you "know" in your little world is nothing, which is far smaller than a thimble. You're not bright enough (the group), to see how many ways you contradict Jesus and Christianity. Think Rush will make it to Heaven?