Thursdays speech: How Obama would definitely secure a second term:
1. We must unite the nation -nor more excuses,class warfare and partisan politics.
2. We must restructure our obsolete and confusing Tax code to a simple Fair tax with 15% paid by all.
3. Deductions for all Corporations and Billionaires will come to an end.
4. Any Business manufacturing or processing products outside of the U.S. will be subject to extreme tax penalties.
5. To bring Business back to the U.S the Corporate tax will be lowered to 15% -there will be no deductions for any reason--you to G.E.
6. A two percent vat will be put in place to go directly and only to pay down the nation's debt-this will also be a start to attack the underground economy. No vat on food and clothing.
7. The federal Government must work under a balanced budget. PERIOD.
8.Military bases will be closed thoughout the world. All "Nation Building" outside our borders will cease immediately.
9. We will be a huge part of the Global economy but will not be the policeman of the world. Do not take this as a sign of weakness. Any clear and present threat to the people of the U.S. will be dealt with severly.
10.Along with the new tax stucture Government interference into the private sector will be minimum. Private sector investment and growth is the lifeblood of America.
11. A complete and thorough Investigation of the root cause of the Housing bubble with no Protection for any Politician present or past Republican or Democrat. These hearings will be transparent and carried on all major networks.
I am sure many of these points have pissed off both the Right and the Left --too bad I am the President Of the United States and will lead America into a renewed future of Prosperity and security for all that want to reach and work for it !! There will be much more in the days and weeks to come !
What he will say on Thursday:
1. I inherited the worst economy ever.
2. We must spend our way out of this mess caused by Bush.
3. The Republicans have blocked all of my efforts.
4. We must make the RICH pay their share
5. I have had bad luck.
6. Hope and change do not happen overnite
I will leave you here with Joe --I am late for my T time and the teleprompter has run out of B.S.