Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


Strength through joy
WOW, how will he bring those numbers back up ?
He has tried spending our grandkid's grandkids taxes, releasing oil for the SPR , killing enemy # 1 , helped to cause the overthrow of many muslim countries , called for everyone ( but his wife ) to make financial sacrifices, played more golf games then ever other POTUS , tried to copy Palin's bus tour, had his czars and other federal agencies bypass Congress to begin over 500 new regulations that are anti-business & personal freedoms.
Well the only thing left for him to do is have Congress complete the fiscal 2008 Budget.


golden ticket member
I wonder if that budget will contain his & hers Harleys for the Mr. & Mrs.............oh wait, that's American made. I guess they have to make those Hondas instead.


Well-Known Member
Thursdays speech: How Obama would definitely secure a second term:

1. We must unite the nation -nor more excuses,class warfare and partisan politics.
2. We must restructure our obsolete and confusing Tax code to a simple Fair tax with 15% paid by all.
3. Deductions for all Corporations and Billionaires will come to an end.
4. Any Business manufacturing or processing products outside of the U.S. will be subject to extreme tax penalties.
5. To bring Business back to the U.S the Corporate tax will be lowered to 15% -there will be no deductions for any reason--you to G.E.
6. A two percent vat will be put in place to go directly and only to pay down the nation's debt-this will also be a start to attack the underground economy. No vat on food and clothing.
7. The federal Government must work under a balanced budget. PERIOD.
8.Military bases will be closed thoughout the world. All "Nation Building" outside our borders will cease immediately.
9. We will be a huge part of the Global economy but will not be the policeman of the world. Do not take this as a sign of weakness. Any clear and present threat to the people of the U.S. will be dealt with severly.
10.Along with the new tax stucture Government interference into the private sector will be minimum. Private sector investment and growth is the lifeblood of America.
11. A complete and thorough Investigation of the root cause of the Housing bubble with no Protection for any Politician present or past Republican or Democrat. These hearings will be transparent and carried on all major networks.
I am sure many of these points have pissed off both the Right and the Left --too bad I am the President Of the United States and will lead America into a renewed future of Prosperity and security for all that want to reach and work for it !! There will be much more in the days and weeks to come !

What he will say on Thursday:
1. I inherited the worst economy ever.
2. We must spend our way out of this mess caused by Bush.
3. The Republicans have blocked all of my efforts.
4. We must make the RICH pay their share
5. I have had bad luck.
6. Hope and change do not happen overnite

I will leave you here with Joe --I am late for my T time and the teleprompter has run out of B.S.:sick:


Strength through joy
Robert Redford

Actor, Director, and Environmental Activist

Is the Obama Administration Putting Corporate Profits Above Public Health?

One reason I supported President Obama is because he said we must protect clean air, water and lands. But what good is it to say the right thing unless you act on it? Since early August, three administration decisions -- on Arctic drilling, the Keystone XL pipeline and the ozone that causes smog -- have all favored dirty industry over public health and a clean environment. Like so many others, I'm beginning to wonder just where the man stands.


Strength through joy


golden ticket member
"Obama wanted to convey a deep sense of urgency about the economy in his speech and try to back Republicans into a corner, said top Democrats who spoke to the president about his speech.
But top Republicans wonder why it took nearly three years to convey this urgency. They suspect the timing has more to do with the president now trying to save his own job.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...jobs-plan-in-prime-time-speech/#ixzz1XQQjTFYy

How are you going to pay for it?? How are you going to pay for it?? All this time and you don't have it together yet. That's incompetant and people don't want to be "taken" again.


Strength through joy
That was the campaign speech to start off his second term.
A look at some of Obama’s claims and how they compare with the facts:
OBAMA: “Everything in this bill will be paid for. Everything.”
THE FACTS: Obama did not spell out exactly how he would pay for the measures contained in his nearly $450 billion American Jobs Act, but said he would send his proposed specifics in a week to the new congressional supercommittee charged with finding budget savings. White House aides suggested that new deficit spending in the near-term to try to promote job creation would be paid for in the future — the “out years,” in legislative jargon — but they did not specify what would be cut or what revenues they would use.
Essentially, the jobs plan is an IOU from a president and lawmakers who may not even be in office down the road when the bills come due. Today’s Congress cannot bind a later one for future spending. A future Congress could simply reverse it.
Currently, roughly all federal taxes and other revenues are consumed in spending on various federal benefit programs, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, veterans’ benefits, food stamps, farm subsidies and other social-assistance programs and payments on the national debt. Pretty much everything else is done on credit with borrowed money.
So there is no guarantee that programs that clearly will increase annual deficits in the near term will be paid for in the long term.
OBAMA: “Everything in here is the kind of proposal that’s been supported by both Democrats and Republicans, including many who sit here tonight.”
THE FACTS: Obama’s proposed cut in the Social Security payroll tax does seem likely to garner significant GOP support. But Obama proposes paying for the plan in part with tax increases that have already generated stiff Republican opposition.
For instance, Obama makes a pitch anew to end Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, which he has defined as couples earning over $250,000 a year or individuals earning over $200,000 a year. Republicans have adamantly blocked what they view as new taxes. As recently as last month, House Republicans refused to go along with any deal to raise the government’s borrowing authority that included new revenues, or taxes.


Strength through joy
(TheDC) — President Barack Obama asked lawmakers to “pass this bill” — or made some variation of the phrase — 17 times in his jobs speech before a joint session of Congress on Thursday night.
Obama unveiled his $447 billion jobs package, the American Jobs Act, during the speech.
Some variations of include: “I am sending this Congress a plan that you should pass right away,” “Pass this jobs bill, and we can put people to work rebuilding America” and “Pass this jobs bill, and thousands of teachers in every state will go back to work.”

Perhaps I might be wrong but in order to create 1000s of teaching jobs, wouldn't you have to find ten times as many students to fill those new classrooms ?
Could he just have slipped up on what his next immigration plans are ?



Strength through joy
This is not a twisted joke, but an actual extract from a Presidential Proclamation on the official White House website:
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2011, as National Grandparents Day.