Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


golden ticket member
Obama Fundraiser Being Held By Stimulus Beneficiary, Received $107 Million Federal Tax Credit For Wind Power Project…

Nah, no cronyism here.
(Politico) — President Barack Obama will raise money in early October with a Missouri businessman whose company benefited from a $107 million federal tax credit to develop a wind power facility in his state.

Tom Carnahan, a scion of Missouri’s most prominent Democratic political family, is listed on Obama’s campaign website as a host of a $25,000-per-person fundraiser to be held in St. Louis on October 4.

His investment firm, Wind Capital Group, was helped by a sizable credit authorized in the stimulus, for an energy project in northwest Missouri.

Republicans argue that it’s inappropriate for the Obama campaign to raise money from a donor who has benefited directly from the Recovery Act.

Missouri Republican Party executive director Lloyd Smith compared the situation to the Solyndra affair, in which the Obama administration reportedly rushed federal support to a green-energy firm that subsequently collapsed.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Corruption and unethical behavior runs rampent is the Obama adminstration...not suprising, and wont be reported on by the Messiah lapdog media.


Strength through joy
Since it has now come to light that bhos was never vetted in 2008.
And back then every other media or gov't groups claimed that someone else had vetted him.
What will they say for 2012 ?
He doesn't required to be vetted, since he is already in office.
Or that by requiring him to be vetted , only proves that you are a racist?


golden ticket member
"Don't make me turn this car around...!"
Obama To Congressional Black Caucus: “I Expect All Of You To March With Me … Stop Complaining, Stop Crying”…
No complaining, grumbling or crying? But that’s the Congressional Black Caucus’ speciality.
Washington (CNN) — While acknowledging the hard-hit black community and budding criticisms in its ranks, President Barack Obama said in a speech Saturday night to the Congressional Black Caucus that he wouldn’t give up — and urged members of the black community to join him to jump-start the still sluggish economy.

“I expect all of you to march with me, and press on,” Obama said. “… Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We’ve got work to do.”

The unemployment rate among African-Americans is 16.7%, nearly double the national average. That fact has made fiscal reforms a priority for caucus members, some of whom — most of them Democrats — have criticized the president for not doing enough on the issue.

Obama alluded to those difficulties in his speech, also touting the American Jobs Act that he introduced earlier this month. Several of its components are aimed at tackling the problem of long-term unemployment, among other economic issues, as well as tax reform to put a bigger burden on higher-income individuals.

At a caucus “jobs’ tour town hall” in Detroit this month, Rep. Maxine Waters — a Democrat representing California’s 35th congressional district — said the high unemployment rate among blacks is “unconscionable,” the strategy to fix it was unclear and that the caucus was “getting tired” of waiting for one.


Well-Known Member
The fact that Obama is making these kinds of public statements indicates the assurance of a solid voting bloc, in this case the African American bloc, is not guaranteed. Bruce Dixon at Black Agenda Report is a good example among an ever large growing reason as to why this is the case.

And not that white progressives are helping the Obama cause either!

When a growing segment of both republicans and democrats both realize and agree there is no difference between the red state or blue state brands, the worse case scenario for those brands, those awakened voters start talking to one another. Fear of each other begins to wane and the most powerful weapon the 2 parties have, fear of the other, disappears and then ever growing numbers abandon the 2 parties for a 3rd party or independent alternatives or just stay home altogether because the product is just not worth the charge on the voter's credit card.


golden ticket member
Sunday, September 25, 2011 @ 7:15 pm
Obama kicks off the first leg of his three-day five-city seven-stop fundraising tour: “From the moment I took office what we’ve seen is a constant ideological pushback against any kind of sensible reforms that would make our economy work better and give people more opportunity”

And those suckers paid $35,800 per couple to hear this.
SEATTLE — President Barack Obama charged Sunday that the GOP vision of government would “fundamentally cripple America,” as he tried out his newly combative message on the liberal West Coast.

Aiming to renew the ardor of Democratic loyalists who have grown increasingly disenchanted with him, the president mixed frontal attacks on Republicans with words of encouragement intended to buck up the faithful as the 2012 campaign revs up.
“From the moment I took office what we’ve seen is a constant ideological pushback against any kind of sensible reforms that would make our economy work better and give people more opportunity,” the president said at an intimate brunch fundraiser at the Medina, Wash., home of former Microsoft executive Jon Shirley.


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
(NY Post) — Tycoon Warren Buffett, headliner of last night’s fund-raiser for President Obama at the Four Seasons, reiterated his advice for a tax on “ultra-rich people who are paying very low tax rates.”
But the message appeared to have limited appeal to donors expected to pay $10,000 a plate; the turnout was “disappointing,” according to one guest.
An Obama fund-raising insider said the campaign has been getting resistance from some Wall Street donors from 2008 over the proposal, though Buffett said the event “went OK.”



golden ticket member
Good Grief: Obama Planning Another Bus Tour…

(Will he actually be riding in the bus, or is it flown to the spots?)

Because the first one was such a PR coup?
(CNN) — President Barack Obama will take a bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia Oct. 17 through Oct. 19, according to a White House official.

It will be similar to the trip he took in mid-August through Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois, except the president’s primary focus during this tour will be urging Congress to pass his jobs plan.
Good Grief: Obama Planning Another Bus Tour…

(Will he actually be riding in the bus, or is it flown to the spots?)

Because the first one was such a PR coup?
(CNN) — President Barack Obama will take a bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia Oct. 17 through Oct. 19, according to a White House official.

It will be similar to the trip he took in mid-August through Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois, except the president’s primary focus during this tour will be urging Congress to pass his jobs plan.

Hmmmm, he's going to tour the country to urge congress to pass his LOL bill? BS...it's a campaign tour that the tax payers have to pay for. If he wants to urge congress to pass the ...bill he only has to go to DC.


Strength through joy
but he has already told Congress to pass his bill or nothing.
Every time I hear that he sounds just like a school yard bully.
So he's actually acting out the phrase; It's my way or the highway.


Für Meno :)
Atleast you republicans are comming to your senses.
Say no to income tax cuts, and say yes to a 9% National Sales Tax instead ! ;)