Lue C Fur
Evil member
I'm pretty sure Bill is ineligible to be elected president again. But who knows, non-citizens aren't supposed to be eligible either.
Good one....LMAO!!!

I'm pretty sure Bill is ineligible to be elected president again. But who knows, non-citizens aren't supposed to be eligible either.
Not surprising no matter the party you are votingCorruption and unethical behavior runs rampent is the Obama adminstration...not suprising, and wont be reported on by the Messiah lapdog media.
Not surprising no matter the party you are voting
Good Grief: Obama Planning Another Bus Tour…
(Will he actually be riding in the bus, or is it flown to the spots?)
Because the first one was such a PR coup?
(CNN) — President Barack Obama will take a bus tour through North Carolina and Virginia Oct. 17 through Oct. 19, according to a White House official.
It will be similar to the trip he took in mid-August through Iowa, Minnesota and Illinois, except the president’s primary focus during this tour will be urging Congress to pass his jobs plan.