Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
A second fake bus tour is planned to get his job bill message out to the people.

A real president would stay in DC and use his charm on the members of Congress to have this bill become law.
When is this maroon going to figure out that creating more public sector jobs is only adding to the countries financial woes? The only jobs needed to be created are private sector.


golden ticket member
Don't all presidents suffer declining popularity? Not all of them, but most of them do. Still, Obama so far has been one of the less popular presidents since World War II. The following chart tracks quarterly presidential job approval for all presidents who came into office upon election.
Presidential Job Approval By Quarter.img_assist_custom-420x272.gif

Clearly, Obama is in the bottom half of presidents ranked by early-term popularity. He’s tied with Ronald Reagan, and only Bill Clinton outstrips him in terms of unpopularity by quarter.


golden ticket member
Someone break the bad news to Obama, people are now aware he’s a fraud.
(ABC News) — At a campaign fundraiser Thursday night in Washington, D.C. on President Obama said he believes his chances of being reelected in 2012 are “much higher” than they were in 2008.
“Over the last couple of months there have been Democrats who voiced concerns and nervousness about, well, in this kind of economy, isn’t this just — aren’t these just huge headwinds in terms of your reelection?” Obama said.
“And I just have to remind people that, here’s one thing I know for certain: the odds of me being reelected are much higher than the odds of me being elected in the first place.”
Obama made the remarks before a gathering of 50 donors to his reelection campaign and the Democratic National Committee who each paid $35,800 to attend.
The event was held at the Georgetown home of former U.S. ambassador to Portugal Elizabeth Frawley Bagley.
“We remain very confident about our ability to win a contest of ideas in 2012,” Obama said, “as long as we can get the message out.”


golden ticket member
So now Obama has a website where you can report any attacks on him. It certainly doesn't exude confidence on his part. Of course, there's a box you can check to make a donation to the "O" man.


Strength through joy

Obama derides fat cats, then meets them for dinner to collect cash...

Doesn't Mention Tax Hikes on Rich at High-Dollar Fundraiser...

AP FACTCHECK: 'The wealthiest people in America pay a lot more taxes than the middle class'...


Strength through joy
[h=1]Liberals vow to challenge Obama in Democratic primaries[/h]Worried the liberal voice is being drowned out in the presidential campaign, progressive leaders said Monday they want to field a slate of candidates against President Obama in the Democratic primaries to make him stake out liberal stances as he seeks re-election.
The group’s call has been endorsed by more than 45 other liberal leaders. They want to recruit six candidates who bring expertise ranging from poverty to the military the intent is not to defeat Mr. Obama
But to make him focus on issues that might get lost in a purely Obama-versus-GOP discussion.Defeating an incumbent in a primary is a tall order, but opponents can expose weaknesses, as Patrick J. Buchanan did in 1992 to the first President Bush and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy did in 1980 to President Carter.
“We need to put strong Democratic pressure on President Obama in the name of poor and working people” said Cornel West, an author and professor at Princeton University. “His administration has tilted too much toward Wall Street, we need policies that empower Main Street.”

Darrell West of the Brookings Institution said the group should find a high-profile liberal to challenge the president if it is to be effective.
“The group should consider the fact that one of the greatest predictors of a one-versus-two-term president is having an in-party challenge,” Mr. West said. “Presidents with no nomination challenge such as Reagan, Clinton, and Bush won re-election while those with a significant in-party challenge such as Carter and George Herbert Walker Bush lost their bids for re-election.”


Well-Known Member
Liberals vow to challenge Obama in Democratic primaries

Worried the liberal voice is being drowned out in the presidential campaign, progressive leaders said Monday they want to field a slate of candidates against President Obama in the Democratic primaries to make him stake out liberal stances as he seeks re-election.
The group’s call has been endorsed by more than 45 other liberal leaders. They want to recruit six candidates who bring expertise ranging from poverty to the military the intent is not to defeat Mr. Obama
But to make him focus on issues that might get lost in a purely Obama-versus-GOP discussion.Defeating an incumbent in a primary is a tall order, but opponents can expose weaknesses, as Patrick J. Buchanan did in 1992 to the first President Bush and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy did in 1980 to President Carter.
“We need to put strong Democratic pressure on President Obama in the name of poor and working people” said Cornel West, an author and professor at Princeton University. “His administration has tilted too much toward Wall Street, we need policies that empower Main Street.”

Darrell West of the Brookings Institution said the group should find a high-profile liberal to challenge the president if it is to be effective.
“The group should consider the fact that one of the greatest predictors of a one-versus-two-term president is having an in-party challenge,” Mr. West said. “Presidents with no nomination challenge such as Reagan, Clinton, and Bush won re-election while those with a significant in-party challenge such as Carter and George Herbert Walker Bush lost their bids for re-election.”

Here is their actual public declaration. Looking down the list, quite a few names of heavy hitters and it's just a partial list.


golden ticket member
Here is their actual public declaration. Looking down the list, quite a few names of heavy hitters and it's just a partial list.

Shoot, run them all !!! That'll split up the O vote a lot!! I can't picture, President Coyote....people will call him Wiley for short!!


Strength through joy
My local 3pm radio show had this very question for their poll of the day.

If you could vote for some one other than bhos in a democratic primary would you ?

97% said yes.