Engorged Member
Pick your Pumkinhead !
An actual pumpkin would be a better candidate than any of them.
Pick your Pumkinhead !
And Obama was also golfing with his friend who uses hookers in Hawaii....he has such a diverse (I'm being nice) circle of friends.Obama’s Pal And Former Fundraiser Tony Rezko Sentenced To 10 1/2 Years In Prison Over Kickback Scheme…
It isn't really about the sex, it's about pointing out that the other person's guy isn't perfect either. Prostitution is illegal in every state except Nv . so if politician A hangs out with pro hiring scum bags, who else does he hang with? A tax cheat? A dishonest real estate broker? A domestic terrorist? Worst of all, a bunch of politicians? Is that the kind of influences you want your president hanging around?I don't care who bangs who regardless of party. It isn't a priority and sex scandals should be left to the spouses to worry about. We are all pervs. I know I am.
also a preacher who "God damns America" !!It isn't really about the sex, it's about pointing out that the other person's guy isn't perfect either. Prostitution is illegal in every state except Nv . so if politician A hangs out with pro hiring scum bags, who else does he hang with? A tax cheat? A dishonest real estate broker? A domestic terrorist? Worst of all, a bunch of politicians? Is that the kind of influences you want your president hanging around?
Obama is a maroon. I said it...yes i did. Either way I feel regardless whatbag we elect we will get the same outcome. NOTHING GOOD!!!!!! More promises of this and that. How long have we heard about better education? Our drop out rates in Kalifornia are worse then ever and illegals suck up time and tax dollars while American children, yours and mine, are being pushed to the back of the line. Great example is the recent signing of the dream act by Governor "Moonbeam" Brown allocating between $40-80 million in tax dollars that you and I pay so illegals can go to college while college classes are being cut back and tuitions are being raised. My son is a victim of this. I served my country. I paid my taxes and my son can't get the classes he needs so he can improve his life? Nope!! How many times have we heard about cutting back on spending? More people on the public dole then ever. Lets be many times can taxes be raised on the rich before they just tell us all to go to hell I'm moving to Mexico? I know I would. Obama will be re-elected and the same crap will continue. blah blah blah blah blah
Obama is a maroon. I said it...yes i did. Either way I feel regardless whatbag we elect we will get the same outcome. NOTHING GOOD!!!!!! More promises of this and that. How long have we heard about better education? Our drop out rates in Kalifornia are worse then ever and illegals suck up time and tax dollars while American children, yours and mine, are being pushed to the back of the line. Great example is the recent signing of the dream act by Governor "Moonbeam" Brown allocating between $40-80 million in tax dollars that you and I pay so illegals can go to college while college classes are being cut back and tuitions are being raised. My son is a victim of this. I served my country. I paid my taxes and my son can't get the classes he needs so he can improve his life? Nope!! How many times have we heard about cutting back on spending? More people on the public dole then ever. Lets be many times can taxes be raised on the rich before they just tell us all to go to hell I'm moving to Mexico? I know I would. Obama will be re-elected and the same crap will continue. blah blah blah blah blah
It isn't really about the sex, it's about pointing out that the other person's guy isn't perfect either. Prostitution is illegal in every state except Nv . so if politician A hangs out with pro hiring scum bags, who else does he hang with? A tax cheat? A dishonest real estate broker? A domestic terrorist? Worst of all, a bunch of politicians? Is that the kind of influences you want your president hanging around?
And I don't disagree with you. The sex thing is usually brought out because it garners more interest. oooooh a sex scandal. I agree that of it's self that scandal is really irrelevant, but some of the other things I mentioned(A tax cheat? A dishonest real estate broker? A domestic terrorist? Worst of all, a bunch of politicians) can and sometimes are issues of important consideration.Maybe so but then every single person breathing would be guilty of something. I'm not saying you're incorrect but the only innocence I know are children and even that tends to fall once they reach puberty. I'd rather focus on what makes this country better and I just feel we waste too much time on sexual issues. Let their wives or husbands deal with it unless tax dollars come into play some how then it's our business. I'm a hard core conservative and I catch heat all the time for some of my views from fellow conservatives regarding unions, gays in the military, and sexual issues of politicians but I think basic common sense needs to be used and not everything needs to be as complicated as the tax system.
The current gridlock in the United States should be viewed as a temporary and fortunate respite, a chance to build the social movement that can save the people from the worst effects of the system’s inevitable collapse.
Humanity has no time for diversions – such as Democrats.