Has Obama Just Insured A 2nd Term?


golden ticket member
Atleast you republicans are comming to your senses.
Say no to income tax cuts, and say yes to a 9% National Sales Tax instead ! ;)
Isn't that one of the 9's of Cain's plan that you say you hate so much? Make up your scatterbrain!


golden ticket member
[h=2]Obama’s Class Warfare Rhetoric Backfires: Gallup Approval Rating Hits 38%, Ties All-Time Low…[/h]


Strength through joy

Institute on Energy Research:​
EPA modeling and power-plant operator announcements show that EPA regulations will close at least 28 gigawatts (GW) of American generating capacity, the equivalent of closing every power plant in the state of North Carolina or Indiana. Also, 28 GW is 8.9 percent of our total coal generating capacity.

This will mean Third World-style rolling blackouts and skyrocketing energy prices. Forcing up energy prices correspondingly forces down our standard of living by driving up the price of literally everything, and by throwing people out of work as the economy is made to contract.
Those who think Obama is not destroying the country on purpose, but is merely a bumbling idiot, are invited to explain why he told his supporters in advance that he would do this to us.
Voting for him once despite his long list of associates who wish this country harm was stupid. Voting for him twice would be treason.
On a tip from TED. Hat tips: Hot Air, iOwnTheWorld.


Institute on Energy Research:​
EPA modeling and power-plant operator announcements show that EPA regulations will close at least 28 gigawatts (GW) of American generating capacity, the equivalent of closing every power plant in the state of North Carolina or Indiana. Also, 28 GW is 8.9 percent of our total coal generating capacity.

This will mean Third World-style rolling blackouts and skyrocketing energy prices. Forcing up energy prices correspondingly forces down our standard of living by driving up the price of literally everything, and by throwing people out of work as the economy is made to contract.
Those who think Obama is not destroying the country on purpose, but is merely a bumbling idiot, are invited to explain why he told his supporters in advance that he would do this to us.
Voting for him once despite his long list of associates who wish this country harm was stupid. Voting for him twice would be treason.
On a tip from TED. Hat tips: Hot Air, iOwnTheWorld.

Just wait til they start in on natural gas power plants....they'll figure out a way to make solar energy cost effective.


Strength through joy
Mean while coal mines are shutting down adding to more lost jobs.
Unless China steps in and buys them all, to ship the coal to their factories.


Für Meno :)
Barack Obama more popular with Canadians than Stephen Harper

Canada's love affair with U.S. President Barack Obama continues, even at the expense of our prime minister.
An Abacus Data survey released Monday found 55 per cent of Canadians think Obama deserves to be re-elected in the November 2012 presidential election.
By comparison, the Harper government's most recent approval rating is pegged at only 43 per cent.

Barack Obama more popular with Canadians than Stephen Harper

Canada's love affair with U.S. President Barack Obama continues, even at the expense of our prime minister.
An Abacus Data survey released Monday found 55 per cent of Canadians think Obama deserves to be re-elected in the November 2012 presidential election.
By comparison, the Harper government's most recent approval rating is pegged at only 43 per cent.
You can have him...


Well-Known Member
Barack Obama more popular with Canadians than Stephen Harper

Canada's love affair with U.S. President Barack Obama continues, even at the expense of our prime minister.
An Abacus Data survey released Monday found 55 per cent of Canadians think Obama deserves to be re-elected in the November 2012 presidential election.
By comparison, the Harper government's most recent approval rating is pegged at only 43 per cent.


Wanna trade?


Für Meno :)
naahhh, wouldn't be nothing left for Obama to do.
Everything here seems to have already his ideas and then some.


Barack Obama more popular with Canadians than Stephen Harper

Canada's love affair with U.S. President Barack Obama continues, even at the expense of our prime minister.
An Abacus Data survey released Monday found 55 per cent of Canadians think Obama deserves to be re-elected in the November 2012 presidential election.
By comparison, the Harper government's most recent approval rating is pegged at only 43 per cent.


And that's because Obama is the Messiah, and as detailed in my three part dvd, Stephen Harper is the.......(can you guess?).......


Strength through joy
Circle the wagons all you kool-aid drinkers, you're messiah is going down for the count.
...Dem Senate kills his job bill
Obama 'Heartbroken' -- Over Delayed NBA Season...
TIMING? U.S. busts two Iranians today over terror plot Obama was briefed about in June...
Subpoenas for Atty Gen imminent...
Obama Looks To Spend 'Without Additional Congressional Authorization'...

Dem Leader: Voters to blame for gov't gridlock...
$10M for 1 mile: Orlando unveils President Barack Obama Parkway...
Holder downplays Fast and Furious, walks out on reporters

Read more: http://dailycaller.com


Strength through joy
I liked the picture.
But the current Gov. of Mass is also from Chicago , so he would be the third worst thing.
He claims to be a friend of bhos and they share the same bad traits; failed as lawyers ( but this one got paid more to go away ), invested taxpayer money in failed solar companies { Evergreen which got a state backed loan, then shipped the jobs to China,and then folded }, and claims to be a man of his people { but lives in a oversize mansion set way back in the mountains along the NY border }.


Strength through joy
Looks like his first term might be in more danger.

SOUTH BEND - Suspected fake petition pages to place Democrats Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on the ballot during the 2008 Indiana primary passed through the county voter registration office on days when the Republican head of the office was absent, The Tribune has learned.

The pages in question bear the stamped signature of Republican Linda Silcott, indicating Silcott was not in the office at the time to sign the documents by hand. By comparison, most of the other, non-suspicious pages examined by The Tribune contain Silcott's written signature.
Meanwhile, 13 more St. Joseph County residents whose signatures appear on the petitions, including former South Bend mayor and Indiana governor Joe Kernan, have come forward to say they did not sign the documents, and the Indiana Republican Party has called for a federal investigation into the matter.
In addition, Holcomb, the state Republican Party chair, has called on the Department of Justice to investigate the matter.

"The integrity of every election is of the utmost importance," Holcomb said in a news release. "This weekend’s disturbing news that perhaps hundreds of ballot access petition signatures submitted by the campaigns of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are fraudulent raises real questions about the integrity of our process and whether or not those individuals should have been on the primary ballot in the first place."