Has RLO's been a problem in your area? "On topic"

Mr. Marshall

Well-Known Member
1801 where I'm at. Which sadly I tend to hit in late August or early September these days. I always notice it and announce that I'm taking the rest of the year off :)
In my area it refers to the term Requested Lay Off.
In my area it’s known as union busting,job killing, management D drinking. My center had a major issue with it until comp went through the roof. Funny (not so funny) thing is all the guys who voluntarily laid off all the time are the ones on comp. We have issues that are compounding daily.


Knowledge is key, Experience is power.
Out here it's called an (rest) R-day. If a top seniority guy wants it there nothing you can really do. But if you do get one expect the load the next day to be very heavy.


Huge Member
We get pull pension credit for one punch a week.

Our local used to have language that you had to average 32 hours a week over a 3 month period to have healthcare.
3 months = 13 weeks = 416 hours
Theoretically, you could take 13 unpaid days off over a 3 month period and still keep healthcare.
"RLO's" were through the roof so our BA changed it to 40 hours a week
3 months = 13 weeks = 520 hours
So now, you can not take more than 5 unpaid days off in 3 months or you'll lose health coverage.

That has forced drivers to use their paid days and unpaid days off wisely.
Our BA accomplished his goal.


You came to this discussion thread.

Maybe you should heed your own counsel?

Just sayin.