
Well-Known Member
Just got the call to go to intergrad in west boyleston, ma in two weeks. Did the seasonal thing and they want me back June 1st. I asked her if it was a pass/fail and she said they're being more 'lenient' at intergrad. Maybe they need drivers desperately. Seems like all new drivers have to go to intergrad.


Well-Known Member
I'm not working now. They laid me off jan 7th. Just got called yesterday to go to Integrad. I start back June 1st -Sept 1st, Oct-Jan. I said to the office lady that I heard Integrad was intense and asked if it was pass/fail. She said they're being 'lenient'.


Well-Known Member
I aced the 5/10 during the 3 day training but that was multiple choice. I'm assuming we have to write everything out at Integrad or do we recite it to an instructor


Well-Known Member
You are allowed to write it first, but it must be recited. Learn it perfectly. One incorrect word is a fail.