
I am going to Intergrad in Atlanta GA Aug 19th. If anyone has been there please give me all the tips you can! They say Atlanta is pretty tough so I want to be very well prepared! Also for the 2minute eye movement drill, I’m still alittle shaky on.


My job is fun
My brother went and failed. He said it’s like military. Memorize your 5/10 word for word, be in uniform. Try not to rush and good luck.

Poop Head

Judge me.
Also for the 2minute eye movement drill, I’m still alittle shaky on.


Well-Known Member
I am going to Intergrad in Atlanta GA Aug 19th. If anyone has been there please give me all the tips you can! They say Atlanta is pretty tough so I want to be very well prepared! Also for the 2minute eye movement drill, I’m still alittle shaky on.

Intergrad?? that near Leningrad and Stalingrad??

Tom MacDonald

Max E. Pads
New Service Provider Training. If Integrad is a Ph.D program at Harvard, NSPT is preschool with numbers and colors.
Yeah I've been to that twice.

The second time I did it just to get full time hours for a week because I was terminated from my 2nd job. I literally played a SNES emulator on my phone for half the class


Well-Known Member
This is the aspects of the integration station step by step its small but you should able to make bigger. Im sure it has not changed


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Half the lies they tell about me aren't true!!
This is the aspects of the integration station step by step its small but you should able to make bigger. Im sure it has not changed
I like the second one.....use proper selection methods, one foot inside the cargo area......lmao.
My first stop is usually in my 6000 section thanks to Orion.