Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I officially signed new hire paperwork today & start training Monday. For 3 days I'll be in Brooklyn, 1 day at intergrad in Long Island & last day at my normal hub in Manhattan north.
any tips /suggestions for intergrad?How is the intergrad training in Long Island NY?
Also got hired in as a 22.4 driver in case your wondering.
#1. remember to check in every morning with the person at the hotel before u get on the shuttle.
#2. PLEASE KNOW that the handbrake is apparently adjustable, you have to need 2-3 fingers to push it down and up for it to be tight enough. this is part of the pre-trip. Read my post on this.
#3. DRILL THIS ONE IN YOUR HEAD. On hills- especially, but always, double-check all your gears are correct, parking brake up and your front wheels are turned towards the curb. when you get in a hurry and frustrated and are ready to bolt a stop off, REMEMBER ME! IM FIRED RIGHT NOW. because I didn't know about adjusting the handbrake and wasn't against the curb because it was a tight col de sac, etc- (another story) but, park extra safe, walk it off, double-check the truck is in park and keep that handbrake tight. Honk extra. You can never honk enough. especially in apartments, people are home a lot now. Don't think cars are empty. Imagine some

#4. get a tape gun, back up roll of duck tape. Use an electricians bag. backpacks will piss you off. always have change to buy ice in the heat. you will need 3-5 big cups of ice to pour gatorade on. alternate gatorade and water.
#5. save 2 months of bills right away. if something goes wrong, the union will usually get you back on, thats what im waiting on, but have a cushion for bills.
#6. always report any accident. its the worst feeling, but you have too.
#7. always constantly ask other drivers to show you things, don't expect management to help you remember all the methods. ask ask ask.
#8. when u see kids, go 5mph honk more. always check under truck especially when u see kids.
ill think of more stuff. its a big deal, a big undertaking. sorting your truck, setting up 15-20 stops, writing big numbers on anything on the floor. I'll type some more tomorrow.