
BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
If they get rid of RDO there will be a 500% increase to the 9.5 list and the company will lose billions of dollars.
9.5 List? Drivers are afraid to get on it during to the automatic OJS the company does.

The union should get everyone on the list.


That's my point. I follow ORION as close to 100% as possible while still making my commits. I could easily cut 40+ miles by running my route more efficiently based on area knowledge and common sense. By running Orion I am dispatched with around 85 stops versus around 120. Punched out and on my way home under 8 3/4 hours three days this week.
Orion has only cause stop counts to go up in our center. Every route is 30-50 stops heavier depending on if you're a country route or I town. They think Orion is more efficient but it's not. So now we just have more stops and we run it on RDO.

el blanco

Orion has only cause stop counts to go up in our center. Every route is 30-50 stops heavier depending on if you're a country route or I town. They think Orion is more efficient but it's not. So now we just have more stops and we run it on RDO.

they keep passing the misinformation up the food chain that all is swell


60 months and counting
Same here. 60% trace, 17 miles under. "The goal is to decrease miles correct?"
And when you ask these scrubs about this they NEVER have a answer for it...they know it’s fked up...what are they going to say, “we’ll look into it”..... famous last words from someone who can’t make ANY operational decision....none


60 months and counting
Turn by turn directions you say?

Sounds like someone is preparing for a large-scale work stoppage.
If they think they are going to get a large enough workforce to come in here to do the job even close to as efficient as our drivers do it, AND be able to deal with our already pissd off customers who will be mad as hell that their regular driver is on the street...this will be a perfect storm...they thought 2008 peak was bad for publicity.... they will be wishing they never pushed it that far....be an absolute nightmare..


If they think they are going to get a large enough workforce to come in here to do the job even close to as efficient as our drivers do it, AND be able to deal with our already pissd off customers who will be mad as hell that their regular driver is on the street...this will be a perfect storm...they thought 2008 peak was bad for publicity.... they will be wishing they never pushed it that far....be an absolute nightmare..



Well-Known Member
If they think they are going to get a large enough workforce to come in here to do the job even close to as efficient as our drivers do it, AND be able to deal with our already pissd off customers who will be mad as hell that their regular driver is on the street...this will be a perfect storm...they thought 2008 peak was bad for publicity.... they will be wishing they never pushed it that far....be an absolute nightmare..
Only problem with that is half of these young kids today wouldn’t strike or honor a picket line.


KTM rider
turn by turn directions are being implemented right now, haven't heard of RDO being removed

Good luck with that.
I signed a bid for a route a week ago. I follow orion as close as I can. If I went turn by turn, I would easily triple the number times I back into driveways.