Saves, glad to see we both made it through peak. I was kind of in the same spot as you. I was one of the two people they asked to come back in our center but decided not to because it was messing with my regular full time job too much. I let my PT sup know before Christmas that I was 90% sure I wasn't going to come back but could never get a straight answer out of him as to when my last day as a seasonal would be. Apparently he didn't pass that info on to his boss, because they told me to report at 4:00 last Friday and after PCM, the FT sup pulled me and the other guy aside and starts going over our schedule for the coming weeks. When I told him I wasn't planning on coming back after peak, I got the deer in the headlight look "Oh....OK....we really shouldn't have had you come in today if you weren't planning to come better go punch out."
Anyway, I'll PM you Willy's (HR Guy) cell phone #. Best of luck to you in LA.