Help please...


It's apparent that my comment went way over your head. My suggestions are a long term solution. Not a quick fix. Your own comments indicate that you are letting their numbers get to you. Which is why I said what I did. Time study fixes are rare so don't hold your breath on getting one. And peak hours are always long. Last year's peak was likely a once in a lifetime experience so don't expect it to happen again. At least not on that scale. If the average everyday work hours are your problem then maybe this job isn't for you.

Sorry if I misunderstood your first comment. The numbers do get to me b.c they send me out on a 9.45 hour day during non-peak but its really 11+ b.c it states I can do the 70 stops in 8 minutes. I requested to be taken off the route when the new year comes so things are in the works. Just looking for alternatives like doin early am/article 22 or doing cover again so I can be home at a fair time like everyone else in the center instead of being the last guy back everyday. Thank you for the input