Herschel Walker


Inordinately Right
This is what Herschel Walker being primed to win a 2 person Georgia runoff race looks like:


This is why Democrats are so terrified.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I voted for Walker today, Warnock is a piece of :poop:. Warnock didn't want Biden campaigning for him, most of his contributions came from out of the state. Worst inflation in 40 years, ridiculous gas and grocery prices, and my investments have lost 25% this past year. You have to be a special kind of stupid to vote for a Liberal in this election. I'm not a big fan of Walker, there are some that would have made a better candidate.

El Correcto

god is dead
I voted for Walker today, Warnock is a piece of :poop:. Warnock didn't want Biden campaigning for him, most of his contributions came from out of the state. Worst inflation in 40 years, ridiculous gas and grocery prices, and my investments have lost 25% this past year. You have to be a special kind of stupid to vote for a Liberal in this election. I'm not a big fan of Walker, there are some that would have made a better candidate.
Walker is a disaster.
It’s like the GOP is running the most compromised people and using the current unrest to get them across the finish line so the party is controlling their office and not the people that voted for them.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Walker is a disaster.
It’s like the GOP is running the most compromised people and using the current unrest to get them across the finish line so the party is controlling their office and not the people that voted for them.
Walker is an absolute disgrace.
He will just be a GOP yes man at best and a complete Marjorie Taylor Greene nut job at worst.

I'm trying to figure out where Warnock stands on various issues. Can't find any information about it on his website. Am I missing something?

Here's Walker's issues page:



In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Walker is a disaster.
It’s like the GOP is running the most compromised people and using the current unrest to get them across the finish line so the party is controlling their office and not the people that voted for them.

I guess they took a page from the Democrats ...


Inordinately Right
It’s like the GOP is running the most compromised people and using the current unrest to get them across the finish line so the party is controlling their office and not the people that voted for them.
Um, you know there was a primary where the people chose Walker as their candidate, right?

El Correcto

god is dead
Um, you know there was a primary where the people chose Walker as their candidate, right?

No I don’t keep up with these nutjobs. I just assumed the GOP candidate won. GOP usually throws large funding behind who they want.

I’m guessing Walker is going to be another nutjob like Marjorie Taylor Greene then.

El Correcto

god is dead
Walker is one of the worse candidates I’ve ever seen in my life. He is up there with the people that run as Republican in Chicago, straight up nut jobs.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Walker is one of the worse candidates I’ve ever seen in my life. He is up there with the people that run as Republican in Chicago, straight up nut jobs.

So, nutjob on one side and probable nutjob who won't even say where he stands on anything on the other. What should Georgia voters be expected to do?


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I'm trying to figure out where Warnock stands on various issues. Can't find any information about it on his website. Am I missing something?

Here's Walker's issues page:

Warnock votes exactly as he is told to. He is a smooth-talking snake, his ex-wife describes as an excellent liar and actor. A vast majoity of his funding comes from out of state, I'm sick of being bombarded by his BS ads. He seldom mentions his voting record for good reason. He got arrested for trying to cover up a child abuse case in his church camp. He hates the police and wants no bail for criminals. He ran over his wife's foot and had their divorce sealed. She is presently going after the millionaire for child support. "Reverand" Warnock supports the government paying for abortions, goes after Walker when his girlfriend paid for an abortion with a check Walker wrote her. I never saw a medical bill paid for by Walker, who knows how somebody spends a check you mail them? Warnock's church pays for his housing. That church owns a housing project for disabled people and kicks people out for being a month or two behind on $24 rent. Warnock is a big turd and only got elected when 237,000 GOP voters stayed home in the runoff because of alleged voting fraud. Brian Kemp has been an excellent Governor that kept Georgia opened during the pandemic and has drawn many job-creating businesses to the state. He also gave taxpayers a refund because the state took in too much in taxes. Stacy Abrams is 10% back in the polls and has no chance of winning. I don't see intelligent people in this economy voting for inflation causing Democrat spending. I don't see Georgians voting for Kemp and then crossing party lines to vote for Warnock. Like I have said, Walker is no angel and has made many mistakes in his past. Women throwing themselves at a star football player in his younger years is of no surprise to me. I believe in redemption and know people can change. I think Walker will squeak by Warnock and the GOP has a chance of taking both the House and Senate. That will make my pension and investment accounts healthier.


Inordinately Right
No I don’t keep up with these nutjobs. I just assumed the GOP candidate won. GOP usually throws large funding behind who they want.
The GOP for the most part doesn't back Trump endorsed candidates.

McConnell has gone out of his way to screw over Republican candidates because he's so deranged with dislike of Trump.

El Correcto

god is dead
So, nutjob on one side and probable nutjob who won't even say where he stands on anything on the other. What should Georgia voters be expected to do?
Apparently vote better in their primaries.

The GOP for the most part doesn't back Trump endorsed candidates.

McConnell has gone out of his way to screw over Republican candidates because he's so deranged with dislike of Trump.
Yeah McConnell likes to endorse non-conservative or libertarian republicans. Being against some of these “trump” candidates isn’t a bad thing though, Herschel Walker is a huge idiot.

El Correcto

god is dead
Warnock votes exactly as he is told to. He is a smooth-talking snake, his ex-wife describes as an excellent liar and actor. A vast majoity of his funding comes from out of state, I'm sick of being bombarded by his BS ads. He seldom mentions his voting record for good reason. He got arrested for trying to cover up a child abuse case in his church camp. He hates the police and wants no bail for criminals. He ran over his wife's foot and had their divorce sealed. She is presently going after the millionaire for child support. "Reverand" Warnock supports the government paying for abortions, goes after Walker when his girlfriend paid for an abortion with a check Walker wrote her. I never saw a medical bill paid for by Walker, who knows how somebody spends a check you mail them? Warnock's church pays for his housing. That church owns a housing project for disabled people and kicks people out for being a month or two behind on $24 rent. Warnock is a big turd and only got elected when 237,000 GOP voters stayed home in the runoff because of alleged voting fraud. Brian Kemp has been an excellent Governor that kept Georgia opened during the pandemic and has drawn many job-creating businesses to the state. He also gave taxpayers a refund because the state took in too much in taxes. Stacy Abrams is 10% back in the polls and has no chance of winning. I don't see intelligent people in this economy voting for inflation causing Democrat spending. I don't see Georgians voting for Kemp and then crossing party lines to vote for Warnock. Like I have said, Walker is no angel and has made many mistakes in his past. Women throwing themselves at a star football player in his younger years is of no surprise to me. I believe in redemption and know people can change. I think Walker will squeak by Warnock and the GOP has a chance of taking both the House and Senate. That will make my pension and investment accounts healthier.
I don’t even care about Walker banging a bunch of women and being a hypocrite about abortion.
I care about him being a complete idiot with no business taking a leading role in the free world.

This is like watching idiocracy.