Herschel Walker


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
more deflecting and diversion from the fact that Walker is a brain damaged lying hypocrite


Inordinately Right
An anonymous woman wearing a mask on a zoom call makes accusations with zero evidence.

Which way do Democrats think this is going to move swing voters? Just makes them look like they've been lying about Walker from the start.


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How are the political ads down there? Did you watch the debate?
I didn’t watch the debates but Walker did better than expected against the slick-talking “preacher”. Abrams is way behind in the polls and has no chance. Walker pulled ahead of Warnock today. I doubt enough people will vote split ticket, I think Walker will get it. It’s the economy this election, not abortion or former affairs from decades ago. The negative campaign of Warnock is a turnoff, he can't run on his accomplishments since there aren't any. Most of his funding comes from out of state, the people that actually can vote for him don't send him money. Why anybody would vote for Democrats with 40-year high inflation, 25% reduction in investments, high crime, and ridiculous food costs is just mind-boggling to me. I guess we are seeing the dumbing down of decades of poor education coming to fruition.