HEY ATLANTA! Read this!

All Day

Well-Known Member
The way I look at it, you can work harder or you can work smarter. I prefer to work smarter. My DOL is 98% on trace as I put the time in to set it up when the PAS/EDD team was in our bldg. My loader is the best in the bldg who also drives at Peak so he knows the job. He will move bulk stops in a way that makes sense both for him and me and will tell me about his moves. He knows what air I like loaded with their stops and which go in the 1000 section. I go through my EDD before I leave the bldg so that there are no suprises.

Maybe I am old school but this is my area, these are my customers and this is my career and I will do all that I can to ensure all 3 are taken care of.

When PAS/EDD was put in our building, not one driver was asked about route set up. None of us even knew they were planning on changing any routes. Would have been nice to worn "our customers" that their delivery time will change when all the routes change.
As for now, I have tried and tried and tried to get stuff fixed, but has been for not. You can only asked someone to please fix something before it becomes a waste of time.


Staff member
I feel sorry for you people that had a sup set up your EDD. Only the guy/gal who does it every day can do it right. When EDD was set up in our center, I remember the EDD people saying "Be ANAL about how you set your route up".

Good advice, and I was. And I'm glad I was, because it's darn near perfect.


No It's not green grocer!
Grocer, you are right, it is good for me as my day is smooth with no surprises.

The thought of you struggling all day makes mine that much better.:wink2:

Who said anything about me struggling. I work as instructed and make alot more money than i did before EDD, I love it!!


Well-Known Member
The sad part is that we had a few drivers who couldn't be bothered to work with the PAS/EDD team when they were setting the routes up and now wish that they had put the time in when they were here.


Well-Known Member
So you can log on to Brown Cafe?



Well-Known Member
This doesn't make any sense. 11 rides in 5 months? That's crazy.
And why would the driver want to curtail his one hour lunch? To get to his pickups done on time? That makes no sense at all. Sounds like this driver set himself up for failure. He had been taking his lunch at the end of the day instead of between the fourth and fifth hour of the work day. The soup new this. And successfully used it against him.
This should be a red flag for every UPS package car driver. Your pickups should be sequenced only after a full hour lunch at mid day. No exceptions. All that time this driver donated to UPS. And for what? So he can lose his job? Which he will. One of the worst mistakes we can make as a driver is missing a pickup. With all the competition out there, there is just to much at stake.


Just some info,I have had 9 OJS since January of 010. Have had a supervisor and center manager riding with me approx 36 times since June of 09 till now. Probably less than 5 were for area knowledge. I had a route for 19 years but the route that I was on was cut. Went to utility tried to follow EDD ( that is a joke) could not get different routes finished because of EDD setup. Called in for help with business deliveries. So the rides started coming. Written me up for everything they could find under the sun.


Well-Known Member
Cheyenne, WY - Lawmakers in Wyoming are looking at the problem of urine bottle littering while considering making it illegal to urinate in a bottle and toss it along the road.My question is doesn't WY have a litter law? If they already have a litter law why aren't the law enforcement officials doing something about it?
Lawmakers say the practice has become problematic in some areas.I'm sure it has!!! Just another pig or two truck driver, Expediter, Camper, or traveler giving the rest of us that run the highways and use pull offs to rest in a bad name along with his or hers. Some maroon trifling pig trucker or expediter or camper or traveler who ever it is that is doing this vulgar trifling thing should get cot and put on national TV
The bill, which would classify the problem as littering, passed introduction and was sent to the Senate Judiciary Committee.Why did they have to go this far? It would make such littering a misdemeanor punishable by up to nine months in prison and a $1,000 fine.Should be a felony and $100000.00 dollar fine.
The bill's sponsor, Bill Vasey, D-Rawlins, admitted it would be hard to enforce,No it wouldn't!!! invest in some video cams and catch the pigs right in the act!!! Put their butt in the town square tie them to a fire hydrant and let ever dog in that town do his thing on them but he said the measure was needed to address an increasingly pungent problem, especially among highway cleanup crews.Catch them and make them perform community service and clean up all their buddies bottles!!!
"I think it's beyond their scope to pick up someone's bottle of urine, to be honest with you," Vasey said.You are right on with that one MR. Vasey, That is why you need to catch these low life’s and make them do it. I would expose each and everyone I cot. The web cam would and is your ticket to catching these low life trifling degenerates.


Red Rose Tea

Chihuahuas Rule!
I re-read this (twice) to see if there were any signs of sarcasm and couldn't find any. It is your route and if your EDD and/or pickup log are screwed up it is your job to fix them. Missed pickups and a poor trace are a reflection on you, not your sup, as he is only with you for a day.

You know your route better than your sup so how hard is it for you to go through your EDD to see if your "huge national company" has been PALed to the wrong shelf location and to alter your trace to ensure that they get their pkgs in a timely manner? You will deservedly get an earful when you go back to that stop on Monday for not taking care of them on Friday.

You need to take ownership in your route. Those are your customers and you need to do a better job of taking care of them, whether they are a "huge national company" or some little mom and pop store.

You need to take ownership in your career. Placing the blame for missed pickups and a poor delivery trace on the sup reflects poorly on you. If you know that a "huge national company" wants their delivery early then you break off and get their packages to them early.

As far as the sup and the cup it wouldn't have gotten to that point as we would have stopped somewhere to let him use the restroom. Adults don't pee in cups--hell, I have a hard enough time peeing in a trough when I go to Fenway.

It is truly sad how far we have fallen as a company.

you took the words right out of mouth. When I read the following my mouth was wide open:

I pissed off a huge national company today. Major complaint action. Hey man, if UPS wanted me to deliver them early then they wouldn't be on shelf 5.

To purposely ignore a national account, just because it is loaded incorrectly, is not only unprofessional but childish.
This action is a definite reflection on the driver. Especially if they are national account with a preferred delivery window.


Well-Known Member
there is a certain flavor to chicago labor hearings that is unique:happy2:

The items you listed seemed to invalidate the OJS ride.?

The harrassment grievance is for all the OJS rides in the past year? I would think this may become more common. Todays onroad supervisor is expected to ride a lot more then they did in the old days.

Isn there a health and safety style grievance you can file for the urine?

Thanks Tie. Nice post

Urine is a biohazard. I would have called osha on the spot. That is disgusting.

Should not the Sup get in trouble for missing pick ups due to his orders??


Well-Known Member
So in essence what we are saying here - is that its ok for the driver to urinate in a cup/bottle and leave it in the truck - but a management person cannot.

Can you see why the sup is riding with him, heck he was gone long enough for the sup to urinate in a cup in the truck. Ever thought the driver was taking too much time to make the delivery.

You see it half full. We see it half empty. :happy2::peaceful:

Sorry to disagree with you.

The manager should have gone to a public bathroom and not try to shave time going in the back of the truck.

Secondly he should have at least poured out the urine and got rid of the the bottle or cup.

Putting the bottle or cup right there by the drivers drink was on purpose and disrespectful.

I hear by the way it was a thimble.


Well-Known Member
So now everybody is in a uproar over my post.

Well let me set the record straight.

I don't know why we have gotten on car with a driver 11 times and nothing has changed but I don't approve.

If I was the center manager and heard what the supervisor did it would be the supervisor looking for a new job.

Red I don't know why we (UPS) do the things we do sometimes but in this case we have stepped way over the line.

Anybody else want to jump on the beat down wagon? Feel free, but I don't approve of anything that UPS did in this case.

Thanks for your post.

Nice to hear a manager agree with us once in a while.

We need to do our best. But so does management.