Hilary Clinton


Well-Known Member
Again, you just dont get it.

Prior to 2009, hospitals were going out of business during the BUSH administration in record numbers. People were getting fired, paycuts were everywhere, hospitals were filing for bankruptcy at rates unseen in this country before.

The reason?

50 million American Citizens without health care insurance, not ILLEGALS.

As far as what I want you to understand, understand this.


my god this is horrible. your democratic controlled congress at the time let this happen?


I don’t work at UPS anymore.
Had you read the story I posted the headline was...
Hillary Clinton Wants To Give Americans’ Healthcare to Millions of Illegals, Says Chelsea Clinton
Clinton “thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status,” Chelsea told the advocate March 15, at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I see the word Give , not pay .

Aka send tax dollars to big pharma


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
i have no idea what he was like as a politician in terms of what policies he supported. but the videos of him were unreal.

I don't understand . you claim to know the inner workings of our leaders and our systems but yet do not know much about a Canadian who may be the best known Canadian political figure in the world?


Well-Known Member
I don't understand . you claim to know the inner workings of our leaders and our systems but yet do not know much about a Canadian who may be the best known Canadian political figure in the world?
heres what i know about canada:

tuition is expensive and average college debt is 30,000 roughly.
we only get 2 weeks paid vacation as a right.
we are one of hte top polluting countries in the world.
real wage has not risen since 1989.
people dont protest here and the left is pretty weak.
we usually make the same mistakes as america just 10 years later.
the weather sucks everywhere except maybe osoyoos where it just gets cold in the winter.
we have a massive housing bubble.

the only news paper im famillar with is rabble.ca and theres one more. i have a few canadian twitter feeds like canadians for tax fairness, etc.


golden ticket member
Times change. Jobs change. No one was up in arms when stagecoach or boombox manufacturers went of business.
Alternatives were available for those items. Some people are too quick to cut off their nose to spite their face. Until "green energy" can support all the energy needed by us....maybe bridges shouldn't be burned!!!


Bad Moon Risen'
Not looking for natural gas to replace all of our energy needs. Just those from coal. If 50% of our electricity plants run on coal were to retool to natural gas we may only have a 70 year supply. Depends on whose statistics you choose to apply.