Hilary Clinton

JL 0513

Well-Known Member
funny coming from you lol

You guys laugh and red X the posts but can't prove me wrong. Think about it, you and the other two are disputing the national debt and deficit. Go tell the government their numbers are all wrong if you want.

And I'm clueless, LOL. I look forward to what numbers you come up with.


nowhere special
Video has emerged showing Hillary Clinton admitting in 2014 that when she was secretary of state she could not use computers and personal communications devices — such as BlackBerries — while visiting countries like China and Russia because they were vulnerable to being hacked.

But Clinton’s claim that she did not use such devices is questionable given that her emails, which have been released by the State Department, show that she sent dozens of messages while visiting China and Russia.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/17/v...a-hacking-her-blackberry-video/#ixzz43Fwiw5Wx



golden ticket member
Video has emerged showing Hillary Clinton admitting in 2014 that when she was secretary of state she could not use computers and personal communications devices — such as BlackBerries — while visiting countries like China and Russia because they were vulnerable to being hacked.

But Clinton’s claim that she did not use such devices is questionable given that her emails, which have been released by the State Department, show that she sent dozens of messages while visiting China and Russia.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/03/17/v...a-hacking-her-blackberry-video/#ixzz43Fwiw5Wx



golden ticket member


Strength through joy
Hillary Clinton wants American taxpayers to pay for the healthcare of all illegal immigrants who get into the United States, Chelsea Clinton told a health-care salesman.
Clinton “thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status,” Chelsea told the advocate March 15, at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah.


golden ticket member
Hillary Clinton wants American taxpayers to pay for the healthcare of all illegal immigrants who get into the United States, Chelsea Clinton told a health-care salesman.
Clinton “thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status,” Chelsea told the advocate March 15, at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Do Hilary supporters even listen to this garbage??? If they did, there is no way they would support her.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Hillary Clinton wants American taxpayers to pay for the healthcare of all illegal immigrants who get into the United States, Chelsea Clinton told a health-care salesman.
Clinton “thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status,” Chelsea told the advocate March 15, at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah.

YEAH, she said she wanted ILLEGALS who are ALREADY HERE to be given the opportunity to PAY FOR healthcare through the ACA system so they dont end up in our hospital emergency rooms getting CARE without paying for it.

Dont be a people.



Well-Known Member
YEAH, she said she wanted ILLEGALS who are ALREADY HERE to be given the opportunity to PAY FOR healthcare through the ACA system so they dont end up in our hospital emergency rooms getting CARE without paying for it.

Dont be a people.


that's how it starts. next thing you know we are paying for their health care. Just like some states pay for college for illegals.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
that's how it starts. next thing you know we are paying for their health care. Just like some states pay for college for illegals.

No, its ALREADY the way it is. WHO do you think is paying for the thousands of illegals already going into emergency rooms all across the country now??

Thats what is killing our hospital system NOW.

Getting them to PAY for their own healthcare, even at a reduced rate is BETTER than YOU and I paying for it completely.

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golden ticket member
YEAH, she said she wanted ILLEGALS who are ALREADY HERE to be given the opportunity to PAY FOR healthcare through the ACA system so they dont end up in our hospital emergency rooms getting CARE without paying for it.

Dont be a people.

"ILLEGALS".....you can stop with that word........that means they broke the law and need to go.


Well-Known Member
No, its ALREADY the way it is. WHO do you think is paying for the thousands of illegals already going into emergency rooms all across the country now??

Thats what is killing our hospital system NOW.

Getting them to PAY for their own healthcare, even at a reduced rate is BETTER than YOU and I paying for it completely.


So that right there is the simpering idiot mentality that liberals are famous for .
First you let them in.
then you let them drop babies and expect me to keep them here so we don't break up their families
then you want me to give them free education, welfare and health care.

Build the wall . throw the lawbreakers out and the health care is not an issue.


Strength through joy
YEAH, she said she wanted ILLEGALS who are ALREADY HERE to be given the opportunity to PAY FOR healthcare through the ACA system so they dont end up in our hospital emergency rooms getting CARE without paying for it.

Dont be a people.

Had you read the story I posted the headline was...
Hillary Clinton Wants To Give Americans’ Healthcare to Millions of Illegals, Says Chelsea Clinton
Clinton “thinks it’s so important to extend the Affordable Care Act to people who are living and working here, regardless of immigration status, regardless of citizenship status,” Chelsea told the advocate March 15, at an event in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I see the word Give , not pay .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So that right there is the simpering idiot mentality that liberals are famous for .
First you let them in.
then you let them drop babies and expect me to keep them here so we don't break up their families
then you want me to give them free education, welfare and health care.

Build the wall . throw the lawbreakers out and the health care is not an issue.

Again, you just dont get it.

Prior to 2009, hospitals were going out of business during the BUSH administration in record numbers. People were getting fired, paycuts were everywhere, hospitals were filing for bankruptcy at rates unseen in this country before.

The reason?

50 million American Citizens without health care insurance, not ILLEGALS.

As far as what I want you to understand, understand this.

YOUR political party is directly reponsible for this immigration takeover. YOUR party needs these people to fill jobs in construction, flooring, roofing, plumbing, concreting, asphalting, electrical, drywalling and painting.

No longer are the guest workers limited to the agro fields or cow farms.

Profits are the name of the game, and the only way to increase profits is to cut costs, and those costs include unemploying americans and importing workers.

Now, after a decades of doing business like this, you want to complain about all the illegals in the country. You brought this upon yourself by voting for the republican party year after year.

Its too late to kick anybody out, its too late to force companies to hire americans, just ask Donald Trump, who employs guest workers by the thousands at his businesses.

The republican party in each state have created the rules for companies like Trumps, to force out american workers and replace them with foreign workers for lower wages.

Thats the capitalism that you so dearly support. Its also something that isnt regulated, but then again, you hate regulations, so you will ask that nothing be done about it.

You and the others want to blame the health care failures on illegals, but the reality is, that CAPITALISM and the need for huge profits killed our health care system.

Terminating the insurance of the sick, leaving patients with no options but to BK the hospitals was great for profits but bad for the hospitals themselves. The ACA protecting all patients with pre existing conditions forced the insurance companies to pay up and cover patients, but people like YOU would like to see the health care system return to the way it was.

And why do you feel building a wall will solve the immigration problem? How many times does this have to be explained to you before you understand how illegals get into this country?

You want to build a wall, spend nearly a trillion dollars to do it, and stop only 7% of the illegal entry into this country while the other 93% continue to come in by the millions and overrun the country.

Can you really be this dense?



Inordinately Right
I think I heard that the granddragon of the KKK in California is backing Hilary.
It's true. He was supporting Trump a few months ago but has decided Trump is a liar and won't do what he promises. He thinks Hillary is also a liar, and therefore will do the opposite of what she claims, which is what he wants.