Hilary Clinton


nowhere special
Not looking for natural gas to replace all of our energy needs. Just those from coal. If 50% of our electricity plants run on coal were to retool to natural gas we may only have a 70 year supply. Depends on whose statistics you choose to apply.

More fracking?


Strength through joy
Hillary has made a remark about the need to not build walls but build bridges.
She and Bernie Sanders have accused those who want our borders to be secured and our immigration laws enforced of being racists and xenophobes.
Now the question becomes if either were to occupy the the most fortified house in the United States: the White House .
Which has tall steel fences and gates and is protected by a phalanx of highly trained, highly skilled and heavily armed Secret Service agents.
Would either suggest removing any of the essential security assets employed by the Secret Service to provide protection and security for the occupants of the White House ?


golden ticket member
Hillary has made a remark about the need to not build walls but build bridges.
She and Bernie Sanders have accused those who want our borders to be secured and our immigration laws enforced of being racists and xenophobes.
Now the question becomes if either were to occupy the the most fortified house in the United States: the White House .
Which has tall steel fences and gates and is protected by a phalanx of highly trained, highly skilled and heavily armed Secret Service agents.
Would either suggest removing any of the essential security assets employed by the Secret Service to provide protection and security for the occupants of the White House ?
Wow, phalanx? Did you have to look that one up?


Amatuer Malthusian


golden ticket member
Hillary Clinton goes to a gifted-student primary school in New York to talk about the world. After her talk she offers question time.
One little boy puts up his hand. Hillary asks him what his name is. “Kenneth," he says. "And what is your question, Kenneth?" she asks. "I have three questions," he says. "First -- whatever happened in Benghazi? "Second -- why would you run for president if you are not capable of handling two e-mail accounts? "And, third -- whatever happened to the missing six billion dollars while you were Secretary of State?" Just then the bell rings for recess. Hillary informs the kiddies that they will continue after recess. When they resume Hillary says, "Okay, where were we? Oh, that's right, question time.Who has a question?" A different boy -- little Johnny -- puts his hand up. Hillary points to him and asks him what his name is. "Johnny," he says. "And what is your question, Johnny?" she asks.

"I have five questions," he says.
"First -- whatever happened in Benghazi?
"Second -- why would you run for president if you are not capable of handling two e-mail accounts?
"Third -- whatever happened to the missing six billion dollars while you were Secretary of State?
"Fourth -- why did the recess bell go off 20 minutes early?
"And, fifth -- where's Kenneth?"


Strength through joy

The previously undisclosed February 2009 emails between Clinton from her then-chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, raise new questions about the scope of emails from Clinton’s early days in office that were not handed over to the State Department for recordkeeping and may have been lost entirely.
Clinton’s presidential campaign has previously claimed that the former top diplomat did not use her personal "clintonemail.com" account before March 2009, weeks after she was sworn in as secretary of State.

But on Thursday, the watchdog group Judicial Watch released one message from Feb. 13, 2009, in which Mills communicated with Clinton on the account to discuss the National Security Agency’s (NSA) efforts to produce a secure BlackBerry device for her to use as secretary of State.

The discovery is likely to renew questions about Clinton’s narrative about her use of the private email server, which has come under scrutiny.


Well-Known Member
the Clinton Email investigation enters new phase as reported by the liberal news source MSNBC , LA Times and Washington Post

Noose is getting tighter

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
the Clinton Email investigation enters new phase as reported by the liberal news source MSNBC , LA Times and Washington Post

Noose is getting tighter


Even fox news is starting to walk back their claims of an indictment, saying Hillary will most likely NOT be charged, but should, but for the corrupt Obama administration that will prevent an indictment.

The bullcrap never ends at fox.

They make a ridiculous suggestion for months, then have to walk it back with an excuse.

You stay tuned.

Hillary will be president and you will still have egg on your face.
