Hilary Clinton


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
support julian assange. you can buy clothes from his store or donate.

Julian Assange: Next Leak of Hillary Clinton Emails Will Be Enough to Indict Her, but ...

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his organization’s upcoming leak of more Hillary Clinton emails should be enough to indict her—but doubts the FBI will do so.

As the presidential race heats up, there has been increased attention on the FBI investigation into Clinton’s emails as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has begun to use the scandal as an offensive strategy against his Democratic opponent. Clinton is under investigation by the FBI because of her reliance on a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state, breaking multiple department rules on cybersecurity.

WikiLeaks, an organization created to publish classified information, made major waves in March when it published a searchable archive of Clinton’s emails. Now, Assange is promising another leak of emails that he believes could serve as sufficient evidence for the FBI to indict her. Speaking via video in an interview on Britain’s ITV network, he noted that WikiLeaks “had a very big year ahead.”

“We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton,” he said. “We’ve accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton. We could proceed to an indictment.”

Assange said, however, that in his opinion, the FBI would choose not to indict her in hopes of gaining favor with a Clinton administration. “The FBI could push for concessions from the new Clinton government,” he said. But, he added, “there’s very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation.”

As The Guardian notes, Assange has long been a critic of Clinton’s politics. He once said that “she has a long history of being a liberal war hawk,” and last week he even accused Google of manipulating search suggestions to help her campaign."


Strength through joy
I posted that the Russian hackers plan to give WikiLeaks everything that they took off of her servers .
And now another hacker has released the DNC's hacked files .

Trump doesn't even have to say anything about this issue and the D's will still implode . There is just to much being leaked to even try to cover up their failures .


nowhere special
Hillary Clinton takes ‘180-degree spin’ on police gear
Pledges to equip first responders post-Orlando after previous stance on demilitarizing police

An Orlando police officer’s life was saved Sunday, when a bullet was stopped by his Kevlar helmet, but if Hillary Clinton becomes president, future first responders may not be so lucky.

“In Orlando, at least one police officer was shot in the head,” Mrs. Clinton said. “Thankfully, his life was saved by a Kevlar helmet, something here folks at Team Wendy know a lot about.”

But earlier in her campaign, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee came out in support of President Obama’s executive order curtailing a Pentagon program aimed at providing law enforcement officers with surplus military-grade equipment.

Hillary Clinton takes ‘180-degree spin’ on police gear


nowhere special
Isn't it called flip flopping when anyone does it?

Why is there a federal program to provide local law enforcement with military grade equipment in the first place? Sounds like another big government program to me.

Its government surplus the military doesn't need. Instead of auctioning it off or destroying it they let local police have it. A good deal for some police forces but as in any government program there was abuse. Some police departments got stuck with stuff they didn't want or need because the federal government just wanted to get rid of it.


Inordinately Right
Its government surplus the military doesn't need. Instead of auctioning it off or destroying it they let local police have it. A good deal for some police forces but as in any government program there was abuse. Some police departments got stuck with stuff they didn't want or need because the federal government just wanted to get rid of it.
Think about that for a second. One of our biggest expenditures in this country is military spending, it's one of the main reasons we're so far in debt. Yet they have so much surplus they're practically giving it away? Government waste that's all it is.


nowhere special
Think about that for a second. One of our biggest expenditures in this country is military spending, it's one of the main reasons we're so far in debt. Yet they have so much surplus they're practically giving it away? Government waste that's all it is.

Waste, yes but a lot was created by downsizing the military and reducing inventory they already had. Not spending new money on equipment.


Well-Known Member
support julian assange. you can buy clothes from his store or donate.

Julian Assange: Next Leak of Hillary Clinton Emails Will Be Enough to Indict Her, but ...

"WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says his organization’s upcoming leak of more Hillary Clinton emails should be enough to indict her—but doubts the FBI will do so.

As the presidential race heats up, there has been increased attention on the FBI investigation into Clinton’s emails as Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has begun to use the scandal as an offensive strategy against his Democratic opponent. Clinton is under investigation by the FBI because of her reliance on a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state, breaking multiple department rules on cybersecurity.

WikiLeaks, an organization created to publish classified information, made major waves in March when it published a searchable archive of Clinton’s emails. Now, Assange is promising another leak of emails that he believes could serve as sufficient evidence for the FBI to indict her. Speaking via video in an interview on Britain’s ITV network, he noted that WikiLeaks “had a very big year ahead.”

“We have upcoming leaks in relation to Hillary Clinton,” he said. “We’ve accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton. We could proceed to an indictment.”

Assange said, however, that in his opinion, the FBI would choose not to indict her in hopes of gaining favor with a Clinton administration. “The FBI could push for concessions from the new Clinton government,” he said. But, he added, “there’s very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation.”

As The Guardian notes, Assange has long been a critic of Clinton’s politics. He once said that “she has a long history of being a liberal war hawk,” and last week he even accused Google of manipulating search suggestions to help her campaign."

I must have missed something what did they Wiki leak? and how do we know its the real deal?


Strength through joy
One poor county received a tracked vehicle that the Sheriff's Dept used for flooding and snowed in rescues .
They were highly upset when the gov't took the equipment back , for now they have nothing to carry out those types of rescue .


Strength through joy
Call a rose a fart if you want it still smells the same to me.
Just to store this surplus costs the military extra money , funds that could be used for other purposes .
Why not give it to the states to use , while still holding on to the tittle .
In a case of a national emergency the equipment would be located thru out the country rather than keep in one or two centralized storage yards .

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Just to store this surplus costs the military extra money , funds that could be used for other purposes .
Why not give it to the states to use , while still holding on to the tittle .
In a case of a national emergency the equipment would be located thru out the country rather than keep in one or two centralized storage yards .
That sounds like a good idea, but you've obviously never worked for the government. They have a hard enough time keeping up with inventory in one or two centralized storage yards. Lol. Can you imagine the fiasco that would ensue if they had to keep track of the equipment around the country?


Inordinately Right
Just to store this surplus costs the military extra money , funds that could be used for other purposes .
Why not give it to the states to use , while still holding on to the tittle .
In a case of a national emergency the equipment would be located thru out the country rather than keep in one or two centralized storage yards .
Sounds like someone buying something they didn't need, then bragging how much they saved because it was on sale.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Think about that for a second. One of our biggest expenditures in this country is military spending, it's one of the main reasons we're so far in debt. Yet they have so much surplus they're practically giving it away? Government waste that's all it is.
They have a surplus because we have the smallest military since 1940.

This surplus is because we no longer have the soldiers there to equip like we did 8 years ago.