Hilary Clinton


Well-Known Member
They have a surplus because we have the smallest military since 1940.

This surplus is because we no longer have the soldiers there to equip like we did 8 years ago.

Yet we still have the largest military by far.

We're equipped to fight nation-states, not the terrorists we face now.

So, yeah, let's build up the military.

To what end?

We already have the biggest stick on the playground, and it's not working.


Inordinately Right
Yet we still have the largest military by far.

We're equipped to fight nation-states, not the terrorists we face now.

So, yeah, let's build up the military.

To what end?

We already have the biggest stick on the playground, and it's not working.
The date he chose is important. It's a bogus argument rinos and neoconservatives like rb love to use.

Ya, we're back below a time when the entire world was at war, so what. ...


golden ticket member
Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was reported Friday to be considering Senator Elizabeth Warren to be her vice presidential running mate. It would be confusing if they get elected to office. When the Marine Band plays Hail to the Chief at state dinners they'll both wave in acknowledgement.
-Argus Hamilton-


golden ticket member
Hillary Clinton in a national speech Monday singled out the oil kingdoms of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and Kuwait and ripped them for allowing terrorist attacks against the West to be supported from their countries. This can only mean one thing. Their checks to the Clinton Foundation bounced.
-Argus Hamilton-


Well-Known Member
a brief toxic history of the clintons:

"There would be no Trump if Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party had not betrayed working men and women with the North American Free Trade Agreement, destroyed the welfare system, nearly doubled the prison population, slashed social service programs, turned the airwaves over to a handful of corporations by deregulating the Federal Communications Commission, ripped down the firewalls between commercial and investment banks that led to a global financial crash and prolonged recession, and begun a war on our civil liberties that has left us the most monitored, eavesdropped, photographed and profiled population in human history. There would be no Trump if the Clintons and the Democratic Party, including Barack Obama, had not decided to prostitute themselves for corporate pimps."

"In the Clinton Foundation, they can wallow in hundreds of millions of dollars from corporate and foreign donors, including the most repressive governments in the world, exchanged for political favors."

"The Clintons rose to power in the Democratic Party by race-baiting, sending nonviolent drug offenders of color to prison for life, making war on “welfare queens” and being “law-and-order” Democrats." - chris hedges


golden ticket member
This week's Enquirer front cover reads...'Hillary Will Never Be President"
"crimes will put crooked Clinton in jail for life."

fingers crossed!


Strength through joy
Emails: Key security features disabled on Clinton's server
WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department staffers wrestled for weeks in December 2010 over a serious technical problem with then-Secretary Hillary Clinton's home email server, causing them to temporarily disable security features that left the server more vulnerable to hackers, according to emails released Wednesday.

Just weeks later, according to previously disclosed emails, hackers attacked the server, forcing Clinton's staff to shut it down. The next day, one of Clinton's closest aides, Huma Abedin, wrote to other high ranking staff: "Don't email hrc (Clinton) anything sensitive. I can explain more in person."

The emails, reviewed by The Associated Press, show that State Department technical staff disabled software intended to block phishing emails that could deliver dangerous viruses. They were trying urgently to resolve an apparent conflict between the server's built-in email delivery features with a version of "ScanMail for Exchange" security software from Trend Micro Inc. that had been installed on her server.


Strength through joy
Hey, moreluck I find it strange that on the Trump Thread hillary's supporters are praising her while bashing Trump . But in this thread they are no where to be found .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Hey, moreluck I find it strange that on the Trump Thread hillary's supporters are praising her while bashing Trump . But in this thread they are no where to be found .
Because they have nothing to say that's positive about Hillary.


But they love to call Trump a racist.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Invading a sovereign nation for no reason, overthrowing their government and killing many innocent civilians in the process. Can't imagine why some would want revenge.
When we invaded Iraq, and overthrew Sadam, the Iraqi people celebrated.

When we set up free elections, the Iraqi people celebrated.

When we left Iraq at the mercy of terrorists, they will hate us forever.

The problem was Obama pulling us out before the job was finished.


Bad Moon Risen'

Bush said the job was finished.

Some Shia muslims and Kurds might have celebrated. Doubt many Sunnis did. These factions have been fighting each other for centuries. Should we have stayed there for just as long to try and keep the peace?
Not our fight and nation building should not be our foreign policy.