Hilary Clinton


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
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Bush said the job was finished.

Some Shia muslims and Kurds might have celebrated. Doubt many Sunnis did. These factions have been fighting each other for centuries. Should we have stayed there for just as long to try and keep the peace?
Not our fight and nation building should not be our foreign policy.

He said that carrier group's job was finished.

Do you have video, audio or a transcript of Bush saying that the USA's job was finished in Iraq?

You don't, because he never said it.


Well-Known Member
When we invaded Iraq, and overthrew Sadam, the Iraqi people celebrated.

When we set up free elections, the Iraqi people celebrated.

When we left Iraq at the mercy of terrorists, they will hate us forever.

The problem was Obama pulling us out before the job was finished.
Is all your 'history' revisionist?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

He said that carrier group's job was finished.

Do you have video, audio or a transcript of Bush saying that the USA's job was finished in Iraq?

You don't, because he never said it.

Man, you are so clueless about the war in IRAQ. No surprise really.

Not only was BUSH touting mission accomplished in a stupid case of political stunt-baggery, Dick Cheney was also claiming "Victory" in Iraq when he said the following.

"I think we may well have some kind of presence there over a period of time," Cheney said. "The level of activity that we see today from a military standpoint, I think, will clearly decline. I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency."

Really Cheney? The war went on for another 6 years and it still is a disaster. As our country fell apart as we destroyed Iraq along with it, BUSH signed the withdrawal order of our troops from Iraq and the date set for withdrawal of June 2011 leaving the country in a shambles.

CNN.com - Iraq insurgency in 'last throes,' Cheney says - May 31, 2005

"America will be safer in the long run when Iraq, and Afghanistan as well, are no longer safe havens for terrorists or places where people can gather and plan and organize attacks against the United States," he said.

WEll, how did that work out for America and the World?

These two idiots (BUSH/CHENEY) ruined the middle east and set the world on fire.

SHOCK and AWE was a complete joke and we are now paying the price for that stupidity.

The republican montra to world safety.


P.S. the only mission that was accomplished was this man throwing his shoes at a world idiot.



Well-Known Member
When we invaded Iraq, and overthrew Sadam, the Iraqi people celebrated.

When we set up free elections, the Iraqi people celebrated.

When we left Iraq at the mercy of terrorists, they will hate us forever.

The problem was Obama pulling us out before the job was finished.
get your head out of the sand.


Well-Known Member
Is that all you have to say?
no ive said alot about the subject on wars.

your country doesnt fight wars to liberate people, it fights wars for control of resources. in the case of iraq its oil. democracy in third world countries is a dangerous thing to american corporations because it might mean a loss of control of said resources.

but anyways, go on... but you know how i know your :censored2:ed up?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
no ive said alot about the subject on wars.

your country doesnt fight wars to liberate people, it fights wars for control of resources. in the case of iraq its oil. democracy in third world countries is a dangerous thing to american corporations because it might mean a loss of control of said resources.

but anyways, go on... but you know how i know your :censored2:ed up?
We invaded Iraq to control it's oil?

We invaded twice, and we don't control any of its oil.

Get some facts before you start posting, you will look less like a fool olif you do.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
We invaded Iraq to control it's oil?

We invaded twice, and we don't control any of its oil.

Get some facts before you start posting, you will look less like a fool olif you do.

Man, please refrain from explaining the war in iraq. Its clear you dont understand a fricken thing about it.

When it comes to OIL, "WE" attack Iraq to gain larger control of OIL FIELDS for american and EU oil companies operating in the country under tight restrictions by the bathist regime under saddam hussein.

"WE" refers to our business interests who convince bush and cheney to attack to serve a greater purpose of controlling the oil. Since, american companies operating in kurdish lands have increase oil land leases and the number of barrels of oil controlled by american companies increased.

But you think we went for a noble cause.

How cute.



Strength through joy
Man, please refrain from explaining the war in iraq. Its clear you dont understand a fricken thing about it.

When it comes to OIL, "WE" attack Iraq to gain larger control of OIL FIELDS for american and EU oil companies operating in the country under tight restrictions by the bathist regime under saddam hussein.

"WE" refers to our business interests who convince bush and cheney to attack to serve a greater purpose of controlling the oil. Since, american companies operating in kurdish lands have increase oil land leases and the number of barrels of oil controlled by american companies increased.

But you think we went for a noble cause.

How cute.

You forgot about the northern Iraq pipeline to Turkey .


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Man, please refrain from explaining the war in iraq. Its clear you dont understand a fricken thing about it.

When it comes to OIL, "WE" attack Iraq to gain larger control of OIL FIELDS for american and EU oil companies operating in the country under tight restrictions by the bathist regime under saddam hussein.

"WE" refers to our business interests who convince bush and cheney to attack to serve a greater purpose of controlling the oil. Since, american companies operating in kurdish lands have increase oil land leases and the number of barrels of oil controlled by american companies increased.

But you think we went for a noble cause.

How cute.

The WE I was referring to was the United States Govenment.

We did not take 1 drop of that oil.

I stand correct again.