Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member
Lewinsky Fails To Endorse Clinton

Monica Lewinsky released the following statement on Hillary Clinton's run for President:

"I will not vote for Hillary Clinton. The last Clinton Presidency left a bad taste in my mouth. As we get closer to November of this election year, citizens must remember that they cannot trust Hillary Clinton to create American jobs. The last time she had a meaningful job, she outsourced it to me. And I simply blew it".



Strength through joy
2015: DOJ Prosecutes A Naval Reservist For Mishandling Classified Info WITHOUT MALICIOUS INTENT

Back in 2012, Nishimura admitted to handling “classified materials inappropriately” while deployed to Afghanistan from 2007-2008.
Nishimura served as a Regional Engineer and, according to the FBI’s investigation into the incident, “had access to classified briefings and digital records that could only be retained and viewed on authorized government computers.”
“Nishimura, however, caused the materials to be downloaded and stored on his personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media,” wrote the FBI. “He carried such classified materials on his unauthorized media when he traveled off-base in Afghanistan and, ultimately, carried those materials back to the United States at the end of his deployment.”
Like Clinton, Nishimura admitted to destroying “a large quantity of classified materials.”

Like Clinton, the FBI investigation into his actions “did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.”
Unlike Clinton, he was sentenced to two years of probation, a $7,500 fine, and forfeiture of personal media containing classified materials.

He was also “ordered to surrender any currently held security clearance and to never again seek such a clearance.”


golden ticket member
Her avoidance of the press is funny....how long can she go without answering a question? We'll see how she'll do in a debate where it's all about questions. Of course her questions might be like....What is your favorite color? What is your favorite tree? etc.


Engorged Member
You think this is going away , you fool .
The FBI has just declared that the good old USA is dead and people with power & money now are exempt from all the laws you and I can be punished for .
So tell the whole class now TOS , how does it feel not to be a 1%er ?

Sorry you didn't get your indictment., but it sounds like Paul Ryan is already running in 2020 judging by his pledge to not let it go.

Wow, a real American.


Well-Known Member
Once again, the threshold for prosecution in this instance is not that simple.

I was hoping she'd get indicted and Trump would be too, for tax evasion.

You can always dream...

I've held a secret clearance in the Navy and they really hammer home the point that you cannot have it on an unsecured, non-government email server or device. They also hammer home the point the consequences of doing so. I'm willing to bet that she knew and didn't care and should suffer the same punishment as anyone who pulled what she pulled.


Bad Moon Risen'
It's not over like the Hillary supporters think.......it's a disaster for her campaign even though she wasn't indicted.
Sorry all the Hillary haters won't get their wish to see her in a prison jumpsuit. It would only be a disaster for her campaign if Trump wasn't a much bigger disaster. Gary Johnson is looking better all the time.


Well-Known Member
There are NO lines to read IN BETWEEN.

Its pretty clear what the determination was. He didnt say she was guilty, or possibly guilty. The problem is, you people were soOOOOO convinced that she was guilty, because FOX news and their legal eagles told you she was guilty, you now dont understand what COMEY was talking about in his press conference.

But, like "WE" told you people from the jump, NO CHARGES would ever be brought against her for this email nonsense.

Comey didnt say Hillarys email server was hacked, what he said was the People she was communicating with possibly were hacked. Comey said, that she RECIEVED emails that contained classified information and she RESPONDED to those emails. That changes the concept that she SENT classified information.

From Comeys press conference, and this is the most IMPORTANT aspects of the legal challenge to prosecute.. READ THEM AND WEEP.

""To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally sent or received classified information — something that the friend.B.I. did not find. “Our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” he said at a news conference.""

This is all you need to understand.

She did nothing more than Condolesbian Rice or Colin Powell did while secretary of state using private email servers.


Now, you can CRY ME A RIVER all you want, you can pizz and moan about no charges, but this issue is DEAD.

Time to move on, time to let it go or the republican party will look like bigger buffoons and so will you.

The case is over. Get over it.


Being that you are nothing more than a Hillary cheerleader I am not at all shocked that you are taking these conclusions at their face value and not considering the heaps of evidence against Hillary. I was only mildly hopeful that the right conclusion would have been drawn to indict her, but my better sense told me it wasn't going to happen. Hillary could shoot someone on live TV and people like you would use every excuse in the book to justify it. Not to mention we have a government that would ignore it. Its a true double standard world out there. Either you are held to the standard of the rule of law or you are a Clinton who the rule of law doesn't apply too.


Bad Moon Risen'
... and yet Trump boasted "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters,"
Which probably has some truth to it. Sad state of affairs of today's electorate.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
2015: DOJ Prosecutes A Naval Reservist For Mishandling Classified Info WITHOUT MALICIOUS INTENT

Back in 2012, Nishimura admitted to handling “classified materials inappropriately” while deployed to Afghanistan from 2007-2008.
Nishimura served as a Regional Engineer and, according to the FBI’s investigation into the incident, “had access to classified briefings and digital records that could only be retained and viewed on authorized government computers.”
“Nishimura, however, caused the materials to be downloaded and stored on his personal, unclassified electronic devices and storage media,” wrote the FBI. “He carried such classified materials on his unauthorized media when he traveled off-base in Afghanistan and, ultimately, carried those materials back to the United States at the end of his deployment.”
Like Clinton, Nishimura admitted to destroying “a large quantity of classified materials.”

Like Clinton, the FBI investigation into his actions “did not reveal evidence that Nishimura intended to distribute classified information to unauthorized personnel.”
Unlike Clinton, he was sentenced to two years of probation, a $7,500 fine, and forfeiture of personal media containing classified materials.

He was also “ordered to surrender any currently held security clearance and to never again seek such a clearance.”

This is NOWHERE near the situation with the department of state and Hillary Clinton.

Why do you bother to beat this dead horse?


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Being that you are nothing more than a Hillary cheerleader I am not at all shocked that you are taking these conclusions at their face value and not considering the heaps of evidence against Hillary. I was only mildly hopeful that the right conclusion would have been drawn to indict her, but my better sense told me it wasn't going to happen. Hillary could shoot someone on live TV and people like you would use every excuse in the book to justify it. Not to mention we have a government that would ignore it. Its a true double standard world out there. Either you are held to the standard of the rule of law or you are a Clinton who the rule of law doesn't apply too.

More sour grapes. But you did use the words "better sense", and that just doesnt apply to you. The FBI has been clear, this case investigated thoroughly, and according to all you indictment hunters, HUNDREDS of agents were investigating this case, but then at the end of the day, NO CIGAR.

Sorry, all you legal experts just didnt understand the investigation from the jump. What you all are, however, is FOX NEWS SUCKERS.

You listened everyday to the right wing TELL YOU how guilty Clinton was, and you accepted the narrative that was being told to you. You got convinced that she was guilty based on mis information ( like "hundreds of agents" are investigating her") and a mis interpretation of the law.


The FBI was clear, there was no INTENT on behalf of Hillary or other members of the department of state to transmit classified information knowingly.

Messages that were sent to HER, that were classified, isnt her fault, and when she responds to them, that isnt a crime.

If you really want to indict people over private emails or the deleting of emails during an investigation, then try this on for size and get back to me. Until then, you people are just hypocrites.

Gee, and wonderful FOX news host and former BUSH spokesperson DANA PERINO...

Missing White House Emails

Get over it hypocrites, the case is dead and you are beating a dead horse now.




Strength through joy
Poor TOS, you have missed one important point of this whole FBI matter .
It is not the function of the FBI to decide who gets charged , their only job is to investigate . And turn over their findings to others .
It is the DOJ's function to decide if some one will be prosecuted .
Thus what ever the head of the FBI said , he was wrong to say it .
She is still not trust worthy and can you honestly say that this woman should be given the nuclear access codes ?


Bad Moon Risen'
Poor TOS, you have missed one important point of this whole FBI matter .
It is not the function of the FBI to decide who gets charged , their only job is to investigate . And turn over their findings to others .
It is the DOJ's function to decide if some one will be prosecuted .
Thus what ever the head of the FBI said , he was wrong to say it .
She is still not trust worthy and can you honestly say that this woman should be given the nuclear access codes ?
But the DOJ has announced that they are following the FBI's lead and will not prosecute.


Engorged Member
Poor TOS, you have missed one important point of this whole FBI matter .
It is not the function of the FBI to decide who gets charged , their only job is to investigate . And turn over their findings to others .
It is the DOJ's function to decide if some one will be prosecuted .
Thus what ever the head of the FBI said , he was wrong to say it .
She is still not trust worthy and can you honestly say that this woman should be given the nuclear access codes ?

The new line of attack, led by Paul Ryan, presumptive GOP nominee in 2020. I wouldn't trust Trump with the combo to a gym locker. I guess we can look forward to another almost 4 months of Benghazi and the "mistake" of not indicting Hillary because what she did doesn't rise to the level of a crime, per the very Republican head of the FBI.


Engorged Member
More sour grapes. But you did use the words "better sense", and that just doesnt apply to you. The FBI has been clear, this case investigated thoroughly, and according to all you indictment hunters, HUNDREDS of agents were investigating this case, but then at the end of the day, NO CIGAR.

Sorry, all you legal experts just didnt understand the investigation from the jump. What you all are, however, is FOX NEWS SUCKERS.

You listened everyday to the right wing TELL YOU how guilty Clinton was, and you accepted the narrative that was being told to you. You got convinced that she was guilty based on mis information ( like "hundreds of agents" are investigating her") and a mis interpretation of the law.


The FBI was clear, there was no INTENT on behalf of Hillary or other members of the department of state to transmit classified information knowingly.

Messages that were sent to HER, that were classified, isnt her fault, and when she responds to them, that isnt a crime.

If you really want to indict people over private emails or the deleting of emails during an investigation, then try this on for size and get back to me. Until then, you people are just hypocrites.

Gee, and wonderful FOX news host and former BUSH spokesperson DANA PERINO...

Missing White House Emails

Get over it hypocrites, the case is dead and you are beating a dead horse now.



That dead horse will live forever.