Hilary Clinton


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Do you think the fbi would tell you that thousands of classified emails were leaked off of Clintons server. It is a national security issue if any were leaked they would never tell. Keep drinking that kool aid that she didn't' do nothing wrong. She don't have my vote and I would hope other people would do the same.
Any person that thinks she's an honest ethical human being has lost their mind.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


Well-Known Member
exactly, get caught in a Post Office with a CCW because you didn't know... yea, good luck
I'm pretty sure the Second Amendment does not have any limitations, and ignorance of the law always works well with well known Federal precident.

This case (the on topic one) is really nuanced. Do you also want Powell, Rice and Petraeus indicted, along with the entire GWB administration? Toss them all in jail? Cut off their government benefits? Let them eat cake?


Well-Known Member
Can't see that this makes much difference.

If you weren't voting for Hillary before, you still aren't.

If you were voting for Hillary, I doubt this changes your mind.

Kind of a non-thing.


Engorged Member
Any person that thinks she's an honest ethical human being has lost their mind.

Just like all politicians. Trump is as pure as the driven snow, however. Now all the Republitards have left is Benhgazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!! Watch for a massive re-emphasis on making Ambassador Stevens a martyr for the Right Wing cause.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Just like all politicians. Trump is as pure as the driven snow, however. Now all the Republitards have left is Benhgazi, Benghazi, Benghazi!! Watch for a massive re-emphasis on making Ambassador Stevens a martyr for the Right Wing cause.
Not a huge trump fan either.

This isnt even remotely over. She's gonna get drilled over this right up until Election Day. Even though the FBI chose not to recommend charges they basically said anyone with a shred of common would of known better.

Yeah that's who we want running the country. Smh.


Not a huge trump fan either.

This isnt even remotely over. She's gonna get drilled over this right up until Election Day. Even though the FBI chose not to recommend charges they basically said anyone with a shred of common would of known better.

Yeah that's who we want running the country. Smh.
She may get drilled, but just like most women, they can take a good drilling and come back for more. Men on the other ✋, well you know what happens to men in prison that take a drilling.;)


Strength through joy
Sour grapes.

I told you people from the start that nothing would come of this, I told you that once it ended, you would ramble on and on about a "FIX" or "RIGGED" system, it was suggested to you over the last 6 months.

And now, all you legal experts are rambling.


Another scandal to nowhere.

You think this is going away , you fool .
The FBI has just declared that the good old USA is dead and people with power & money now are exempt from all the laws you and I can be punished for .
So tell the whole class now TOS , how does it feel not to be a 1%er ?


Strength through joy
Here's a twist to think about .

Court: Officials can't use private email accounts to evade records laws

Federal officials may not use private email accounts to get around public records laws, a federal judge ruled on Tuesday.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit overturned a lower court decision in which judges dismissed claims from the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), a conservative think tank that attempted to obtain correspondence from a top White House official through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) said it did not need to search for or turn over records held by the head of the OSTP on a private email account as part of the open records request.
In addition to official White House email, John Holdren, the director of the OSTP, also sent and received emails from a domain at the Woods Hole Research Center.

Throughout the case, the government argued that “[d]ocuments on a nongovernmental email server are outside the possession or control of federal agencies, and thus beyond the scope of FOIA.”

“If a department head can deprive the citizens of their right to know what his department is up to by the simple expedient of maintaining his departmental emails on an account in another domain, that purpose is hardly served,” said Judge David Sentelle, the chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

“It would make as much sense to say that the department head could deprive requestors of hard-copy documents by leaving them in a file at his daughter’s house and then claiming that they are under her control,” he said.