wkmac : you really surprise me today.
You know what, you don't even have to go that far into history.
Look at the Taliban. The "terrorist group" once all mighty USA supported with fullforce. With money and weapons.
Now, your bring body bags back, had 9/11, and the rest of World (Nato and UN) is trying to clean up your mess.
Somethings are best, just to leave alone.
US Taxpayers paid for supporting the terrorists, and now paying to get rid of them. (which is now proven to be much more costly, and not just monetary).
I was fortunate enough to have a highschool teacher to learn us, that you can't just get information from 1 source only.
That if you read a newspaper, you better buy 2 or 3.
As for tabloids, he told me not even to read the headlines at a checkout stand.. Those lies (even though you know at the time they are lies), will stick in your memory, and after some time, your brain, still has that info, but can't recall if it was "good and truthful" info, or just BS.
If you watch news, don't just watch it on 1 channel or even from only 1 country.
As to this day, I still listen to him. And , if you ever try it out for yourself, to watch BBC, CBC, and CNN, and even other news... you'll find a huge difference.
Kinda like here on the internet, anyone can paste a link, there is always pro and contra.... the truth lies somewhere inbetween, but mostly in the worlds most popular medias.
Btw: At WWII, the USA only stood 17th worldwide in military power (without the german technoligy with the A bomb, in the later years).
They didn't have much firepower at all.