how about the worst gift you got this year?


Staff member
Gee, Tie, that was.......[-]Inspirational[/-]. No, thats not it...... [-]Beautiful[/-]. No, thats not it...... [-]Heartwarming[/-]. No, thats not it......

Strange. THATS IT!


Well-Known Member
For me there are no "worst" gifts. Gift giving comes from a feeling someone tries to achieve. This feeling is special in that it warms the body from head to toe. This feeling cannot be measured or in any way quanified but once felt can bring strong men to their knees and make hard men cry. Its an opium without physical substance. A virus that can never be erradicated. It comes from a love of mankind. It strength burns strongest when given with nothing recieved in return. It burns brightest and warmest when first given but never burns out completely. Its sex without physical interaction. It procreats with no birth and definitely no end. It can conquer the strongest nations and support and revitalize the weakest neighborhoods. No matter how ugly the tie or how obnoxious the gift the love behind it is oh so powerful. Lord let us learn to lay down our arms and become a world of gift givers living of the healthiest opium of all the love and warmth of giving.

Forgive me for getting sentimental may you recieve nothing but the best this world has to offer in the coming new year.
How long have you been waiting to throw that into conversation?


Well-Known Member
I used to have a state senator drive around on my route to look for me, gift in hand. She put in a lot of effort, which I appreciated, but the gifts were always those free items that are sent to you by your credit card company; you know the ones, just pay for the shipping charge.


Senior Member
For me there are no "worst" gifts. Gift giving comes from a feeling someone tries to achieve. This feeling is special in that it warms the body from head to toe. This feeling cannot be measured or in any way quanified but once felt can bring strong men to their knees and make hard men cry. Its an opium without physical substance. A virus that can never be erradicated. It comes from a love of mankind. It strength burns strongest when given with nothing recieved in return. It burns brightest and warmest when first given but never burns out completely. Its sex without physical interaction. It procreats with no birth and definitely no end. It can conquer the strongest nations and support and revitalize the weakest neighborhoods. No matter how ugly the tie or how obnoxious the gift the love behind it is oh so powerful. Lord let us learn to lay down our arms and become a world of gift givers living of the healthiest opium of all the love and warmth of giving.

Forgive me for getting sentimental may you recieve nothing but the best this world has to offer in the coming new year.
A little long winded. Analogy that doesn't quite fit. But, I agree with the gist of your post. Openly recieve a gift as if it was your mothers arms giving you a hug.


How long have you been waiting to throw that into conversation?

it was a spontaneous post. Please forgive me for fouling the thread. I'll try to be a little more [-]restrained [/-]no thats not it [-]mundane[/-]no thats not it [-]greedy for quality gift giving [/-] no thats not it , boringly inhibited in the future.


We must forgive Tie, he has a very stressful positition.:wink::wink:

Perhaps a stressfull season that has lost its true meaning. Everything is overly commercialized. Greed and lust for gift giving. News blurbs about how stores are dissapointed because we did not buy enough gifts. And then a thread to discuss the worst gift you have ever gotten.

There are no bad presents.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Perhaps a stressfull season that has lost its true meaning. Everything is overly commercialized. Greed and lust for gift giving. News blurbs about how stores are dissapointed because we did not buy enough gifts. And then a thread to discuss the worst gift you have ever gotten.

There are no bad presents.
And You are so totally right,if someone remembers you that is the gift. The humor is in what they sometimes give. Although I dont think anyone was saying they didnt appreciate it, I know I do, just thought mine was a little odd, and left me worrying about someone during the holidays who is without their spouse for the first time in decades. So I thought ....why not a post to see if others can share the same, and as far as the stores, I dont listen to that crap, its a gift card holiday anymore, which is why peak hasnt ended. As for me my holiday really starts when I get my grandkids for a week, Jan 6th. That is the BEST gift I have ever gotten. I didnt buy for hardly anyone, and Im feeling kind of guilty, but I wasnt in the spirit, and I would have had given bad gifts. So next yr I will make up for it. Mostly I enjoyed seeing my family I have left today, 2 brothers and 4 nieces. And a great sister in law. For that I am grateful. And I got a shower rod, bad present? NO just practical!!


Tie please dont restrain your posts here just because you were open with your thoughts and got a hard time about it.So what if you are
management,we are all part of the end result.
I agree with one of your points about giving.Although with me
it rarely happens at Christmas.Its when someone you hardly know
gives you something that you never expected.When this happens
to me,I get this weird tingle up my spine.