How can UPS survive ....


Well-Known Member
Thebrowntruth said:

Took me awhile and i tried to come up with a good answer. So today i thought i would consider it while i ran around the city. I first thought about it when i went to look for a new pickup truck. First I had to stop for gas and had to laugh how in 96 i complained how it cost almost $1.40 per gallon. I told the young punk clerk I wasnt going to pay 3 bucks and all he would get his the 14 bucks for the 10 gallons. Then I stopped into my favorite dealer and told the guy i had bought one here about 10 years ago. Couldnt believe the cost went from $14,000 to $23,000 for pretty much the same vehicle. I told the guy I wanted the pickup right now but wasnt giving him a penny over the $14,000 i paid in 1996. Before i came home i stopped to get a burger at McD's and laughed that the same value meal in 96 went from $2.50 to $4.00. Well the heck if they were getting a penny more than $2.50 from me.
So needless to say i came home hungry, in an old truck, with i think an arrest warrant for some unpaid gas. I cant get anything like i did in 96, except well the same productivity demands from the part time work force with the same pay rate 10 years later. And there my friend is the key to our future. Pay to get a good part time workforce. Weed out the bad ones (which wont be the current 70%) and we have the roots to grow some good drivers and even a few more knucklehead management people like myself. There was an old saying in the Soviet Union....they pretend to pay us so we pretend to work....NO NO NO im not comparing our company to the USSR in anyway but you, i and everyone who has stepped foot in a UPS operation in the last 10 years knows we dont have a good crop of replacements for us growin' no matter if you are looking at their performance, work ethic, or dress code LOL
AMEN that's about the best I have ever read on part-timers you got it exact


Well-Known Member
HEAVY MJ said:
I've oftened wondered how you drivers handle delivering so many damaged packages. In our hub some loaders will tape up pkgs others won't and their are a lot of damages from that belt!! So do you just deliver, smile and say "sorry"?

What I hate the most, is when I'm doing a pick up and the shipper informs me thier package was damaged/delayed. I have to see these people everyday. It's not much fun apologizing to them once or twice a month for UPS's **** ups.


double_standard said:
Jim Casey would cry if he was alive to see what they`ve done to his company.I personally own no stock but I agree that it sure seemed to start going downhill after going public.It got more production oriented in the belief that saving money at the core is saving in the long run.How wrong they were.Ok lets put millions into PAS so even a gerbil could load the truck...ok it makes sense for every package to have its spot in the truck,but even gerbils dont work that hard for peanuts.The APWA is trying hard to oust the teamsters ,which can only be a good thing.The teamsters have sucked billions of dollars out of us upsers over the years.
In my opinion ,no union at all would be sweet,the best thing they could do is get rid of the driver sup position.Let drivers train drivers,reloop routes,decide how many stops actually need to be done in every area for a 9.5 hour day.I`m passionate about this,I hate not having time to do the job properly,and I think Jim would agree with me.

To get rid of the union is not only naive but stupid. It is the only way to hold UPS accountable. Period.


I dont deliver ANYTHING that looks like it might be damaged. If it looks suspect, I take it back and let the clerk check it out.


Well-Known Member
How can UPS survive? It's simple really. Teach management to do nothing ,like they do ,and have all the "under paid slaves " do it right.


Active Member
IT is all downhill from here...BUt this company sure had a good run while it lasted. Certainly the glory years are behind us. The pinch on dollars to pay for rising fuel, healthcare, union contracts, pensions etc etc will stifle this company. I know a lot is said on these baords about management, but at least I can say in my expirince management has been dedicated (not always effective) but dedicated. With the cuts being given to management compensation, I am seeing the dedication level diminishing. NOw management is both innefective and undedicated. Bottom line. the cost structure of this company will not allow it to compete going forward... It will not retain good leadership in management or hourly ranks and it cannot compete financially. IT will spiral, and regroup as something other than it is today or had the potential to be.


Active Member
iloadthetruck said:
Our stock and FedEx's are really two different beasts. While we scrimp and save so we can give our shareholders gigantic dividends, FedEx rarely gives anything of value. UPS stock is geared towards rewarding shareholders through dividends, which is a reason to hold onto your shares, especially if you are an individual shareholder. FedEx, on the other hand, has tremendous growth, but it order to actualize that return you would have to sell your stock... nicer for the institutional investors, yeah, but not for us little guys.

I do agree, though, that privatiziation would be nicer. I would prefer to see all UPS stock in the hands of both hourlies and management. Keep in mind, though that only 10% of our outstanding shares are available as class B stock, so maybe we aren't as "public" as we think.

And tie is right - PAS 1.0, right now, is a POS. But with time (and, God-willing, more money) it will be better. Everything improves. You wouldn't want to use a DIAD I today, a carburetor on your fuel-injected car, or surf over to Brown Cafe on an Apple 2.

75% of society does not know how to interpret a stock price. Most look at the closing price of the day. They don't look at the fact that Brown has over a billion shares outstanding when Purple has 3oo Mill outstanding. The average Joe says wow, UPS is at 68 and FDX is at 104...


The company will survive. We are the largest package delivery company in the world. I seriously doubt that UPS upper management cares about the average Joe that purchases Class B stock. These votes will never dictate how the company is run. The Board of Directors will always decides what's in the best interest of the comapny, and what will let the company prosper going forward.

Year over year the company continues to make billions in profit. They invest this money where they see the most chance for return on investment. Can anyone tell me they havn't been very successfull doing what they do best, making money.

The cost structures, employee compensation(wages, salary, benifits), fuel costs and anything else that goes into the cost of doing business is adjusted yearly, to continue to make the company one of the richest in the world today. I for one believe the company will be around into the next century and I will continue to be thankfull that I work for a company that has allowed me to prosper and provide for my family in a way I had never thought I would be able to, irregardless of any differances of opinion I have with decisions made by management that affect the time I spend with my family today, for it will afford me a better retirement with my family in the future.


Well-Known Member
Thebrowntruth said:

Took me awhile and i tried to come up with a good answer. So today i thought i would consider it while i ran around the city. I first thought about it when i went to look for a new pickup truck. First I had to stop for gas and had to laugh how in 96 i complained how it cost almost $1.40 per gallon. I told the young punk clerk I wasnt going to pay 3 bucks and all he would get his the 14 bucks for the 10 gallons. Then I stopped into my favorite dealer and told the guy i had bought one here about 10 years ago. Couldnt believe the cost went from $14,000 to $23,000 for pretty much the same vehicle. I told the guy I wanted the pickup right now but wasnt giving him a penny over the $14,000 i paid in 1996. Before i came home i stopped to get a burger at McD's and laughed that the same value meal in 96 went from $2.50 to $4.00. Well the heck if they were getting a penny more than $2.50 from me.
So needless to say i came home hungry, in an old truck, with i think an arrest warrant for some unpaid gas. I cant get anything like i did in 96, except well the same productivity demands from the part time work force with the same pay rate 10 years later. And there my friend is the key to our future. Pay to get a good part time workforce. Weed out the bad ones (which wont be the current 70%) and we have the roots to grow some good drivers and even a few more knucklehead management people like myself. There was an old saying in the Soviet Union....they pretend to pay us so we pretend to work....NO NO NO im not comparing our company to the USSR in anyway but you, i and everyone who has stepped foot in a UPS operation in the last 10 years knows we dont have a good crop of replacements for us growin' no matter if you are looking at their performance, work ethic, or dress code LOL

The floor is now open for nominations:

Mr Chairman, I place into nomination the name of "TheBrownTruth" as the next CEO/Chairman of UPS!

Uh and one other thing Mr. Chairman, while I'm at it, just go ahead and make him President of the IBT as well because IMHO the 2 DICKHEADS we got running the show now sure as hell don't get it!

Excellent post BrownTruth.


Well-Known Member
Thebrowntruth said:

Took me awhile and i tried to come up with a good answer. So today i thought i would consider it while i ran around the city. I first thought about it when i went to look for a new pickup truck. First I had to stop for gas and had to laugh how in 96 i complained how it cost almost $1.40 per gallon. I told the young punk clerk I wasnt going to pay 3 bucks and all he would get his the 14 bucks for the 10 gallons. Then I stopped into my favorite dealer and told the guy i had bought one here about 10 years ago. Couldnt believe the cost went from $14,000 to $23,000 for pretty much the same vehicle. I told the guy I wanted the pickup right now but wasnt giving him a penny over the $14,000 i paid in 1996. Before i came home i stopped to get a burger at McD's and laughed that the same value meal in 96 went from $2.50 to $4.00. Well the heck if they were getting a penny more than $2.50 from me.
So needless to say i came home hungry, in an old truck, with i think an arrest warrant for some unpaid gas. I cant get anything like i did in 96, except well the same productivity demands from the part time work force with the same pay rate 10 years later. And there my friend is the key to our future. Pay to get a good part time workforce. Weed out the bad ones (which wont be the current 70%) and we have the roots to grow some good drivers and even a few more knucklehead management people like myself. There was an old saying in the Soviet Union....they pretend to pay us so we pretend to work....NO NO NO im not comparing our company to the USSR in anyway but you, i and everyone who has stepped foot in a UPS operation in the last 10 years knows we dont have a good crop of replacements for us growin' no matter if you are looking at their performance, work ethic, or dress code LOL

The floor is now open for nominations:

Mr Chairman, I place into nomination the name of "TheBrownTruth" as the next CEO/Chairman of UPS!

Uh and one other thing Mr. Chairman, while I'm at it, just go ahead and make him President of the IBT as well because IMHO the 2 DICKHEADS we got running the show now sure as hell don't get it!

Excellent post BrownTruth.

Don't know why this posted twice but they never listen to us so maybe that's a good thing. LOL!


Try to union-ize the competition. FEDX. The playing field is not fair. Unions suck the life out of companies today.
Exxon reported profit records again..... look at the real problems, and you will find the real solutions.
The Oil companies are raping us to the bare bone and politicians could give 2 ****s. People just keep on paying.


happybob said:
The company will survive. We are the largest package delivery company in the world.

With all due respect did you ever hear of a company called REA? Railway Express Agency was the biggest around before some new upstart company started by a guy named Jim Casey kicked their collective butts awhile back. Please remember one quote from Mr Casey..."we go out of business every day". Think about it and realize its true. It can all end tomorrow for a service company like us and at the rate we are going it may someday happen. The world kept spinning when UPS was on strike and our competitors LOVED it. They continue to expand at a rate higher than us and that is the BIGGEST threat.
I hope everyone can see the formula here.
1.) UPS pays its employees (well at least mgmt and friend/T) the highest wage rates in the industry
2.) UPS drivers deliver more than their competitors so I have no problem with them earning the highest wages
3.) UPS has a higher delivery density than any competitor (we deliver more packages per mile)
4.) When the competiors increase their volume levels more their delivery density increases and our advantage decreases
5.) The decline will be a plummet when and if it happens. A higher delivery density for our competitors will have a dramatic increase on their profits while eliminating the sole reason we are able to load up our drivers and have them bust their butts to earn those highest wages.

Do the most and work harder then your competitors = the highest wages Its a pretty cool formula, i think its what makes us all capitalists!!!! I just hope the formula for delivery density doesnt go away

Anonymous U Bet

U R SO RIGHT.............Ive got over 20 yrs..........PLACE IS NOT THE COMPANY I STARTED WITH........................THE BOOK WORMS HAVE TAKEN OVER...........................We ARE SCREWED!!!!!!


Anonymous U Bet said:
U R SO RIGHT.............Ive got over 20 yrs..........PLACE IS NOT THE COMPANY I STARTED WITH........................THE BOOK WORMS HAVE TAKEN OVER...........................We ARE SCREWED!!!!!!

U bet,
Was that agreement with my last post? I wish some others would reply and tell me if im right or looking at it wrong, but just the way i see it in


Well-Known Member
truth you are exactly right time everyone does what they should and keep us as the biggest and best we won't stay that way by being lazy and crying we do so much more than the competitors after all we are the best let's keep it that way