How do I...


Well-Known Member
Possibly... the Company could try to sue you.. say "all the packages were stolen"
Theft of company property, etc...

Granted I doubt it would hold up..
All a good lawyer would have to say is... he lost his mind... "temporary insanity"


Staff member
"Is there any recourse that mgmt can do to you after you parked a full package car behind walmart and call them that you quit?"

Yes. Never abandon your package car. (If you think you won't face charges for this, you forget who you work for) Be a man. Park it in front of your CMs office when you quit!


Well-Known Member
After the PCM tell the sup you’re just not feeling it today!:w00t:

Seriously though, I’d give 2 weeks notice even if I did win a bizillion dollars. Think of the fun you could have, the sup has a nervous breakdown every time the phone rings. Management would be living on pins and needles wondering what you have up your sleeve.

Offer a cash bonus to drivers that call in sick. :lol::lol:

Never mind, I’d just walk away and begin construction on my new 30 car garage then go shopping to fill it up. :thumbup1:


Is there any recourse that mgmt can do to you after you parked a full package car behind walmart and call them that you quit?

someone did that at our hub (I don't know if it was a walmart, but honestly I believe it was) hahahahaha. I don't think anything happened to him, I could be wrong. I think they were just in awe of the fact that he'd do that.


Well-Known Member
Quit? I'm a loader for UPS and I feel too awkward asking my supe the procedure. I've been with UPS for almost 5 months and I'm not in the Union. I know I'm almost close to getting full benefits at 6 months, but this job isn't working for me, especially now that we've entered this horror known as "peak." The workload is kicking my ass, seems when I'm not working or going to class all I do is sleep. I'm mostly here for the tuition reimbursement, but I've recently scored a scholarship so that's no longer an issue. As for the benefits I'm covered under my father's plan for as long I'm in college plus I'm living at home rent free untill I graduate. However, the main reason I've got to leave is because I have an oppurtunity to do internship that invloves my major (Computer Science) and my schedule won't permit me to do both.

My time with UPS was mostly good, I met some cool people and gained some valuable work experience, but now I feel I need to leave. So could one of you UPSers help me out?:thumbup1:

Hey, I got a great idea!! Why don't you just """""Quit""""" Yeah, that's an idea.... You feel awkward quitting?? Scholarship, free medical under daddy's plan, living rent free.. Wait until you get out into the real world and have to make real decisions.....


Well-Known Member
After the PCM tell the sup you’re just not feeling it today!:w00t:

Seriously though, I’d give 2 weeks notice even if I did win a bizillion dollars. Think of the fun you could have, the sup has a nervous breakdown every time the phone rings. Management would be living on pins and needles wondering what you have up your sleeve.

Offer a cash bonus to drivers that call in sick. :lol::lol:

Never mind, I’d just walk away and begin construction on my new 30 car garage then go shopping to fill it up. :thumbup1:

My 2 weeks notice after hitting mega lotto would be 2 weeks of absent no calls until I got that next day air envelope (which would be delivered late, lol) telling me of my excessive absences, please call what's his name....

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
How do I wipe my own :censored2:? I know I need to do it, it's just that well, my parents have a butler and he's always done it for me. Except for the times I was away at summer camp and stuff. While we're asking assanine questions, can someone tell me how to tie my own shoes?
A bunch of us throw $5 each into a pool when the lotto gets huge and we've often daydreamed about 25 of us showing up for work, driving the package cars up to the corner, having breakfast and then coming back hand the center manager the keys.

But the more I think about it, no way am I going to quit if I win the lottery. It would be much more fun to make them fire me.

I'd be recording this call to the center right before the center manager left for the day...

"Yeah, I have 7 stops done. What should I do with the other 123?"