How do you find out Place and time of panel level hearing? Help

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
The sad thing is that you were fired for the very thing that CMs and On Cars tell drivers to do. And what's ever worse is that they will do the same things too while they are delivering packages, which is a no no. It's no surprise how fast they will turn the tables on the drivers because they won't hesitate to falsify deliverys and sign for packages before they are delivered. I hope you get your job back. We had a guy a couple of years ago who was falsifying records and was fired. His case went to arbitration after only 2 months. Drivers usually get their jobs back and management knows this but they still deadlock the cases anyway because that is part of the game. They know that the driver will struggle financially while this goes on so they look at that as being the minimum punishment but they also hope that the driver get's frustrated with the whole process and gives up. That is what happened to our driver. I think that blatant infractions warrant terminations but I don't think your case falls within that category. It just seems to wrong that they can get away with it but will ruin a driver's life for doing the same thing. The lesson here is that we should all do the job by the book everyday. If that were to happen then the only people that would be falsifying records would be the sups.


The sad thing is that you were fired for the very thing that CMs and On Cars tell drivers to do. And what's ever worse is that they will do the same things too while they are delivering packages, which is a no no. It's no surprise how fast they will turn the tables on the drivers because they won't hesitate to falsify deliverys and sign for packages before they are delivered..

I don't think you use one case of dishonesty to justify another. Fire them all and let god sort them out.


Also on my termination letter it says that I am terminated due to the customer complaint and after investigating that they found that I falsified records/proven dishonesty. .

Tie, You are wrong it does very much still involve the first package. And my termination letter does not say anything about the other 3.
Here you go:
On June 20,2007 the company recieved a customer complaint regardig a reported attempted delivery. You were interviewed with yoiu union steward concerning this matter on June 21, 2007. The company has investigated your actions of June 19,2007(nothing happened on june 19 because I did not have that package which I proved at the hearing)and June 20,2007. The investigation concluded that your actions did constitue falsification of records/proven dishonesty.
It is for these reasons that your empoyment with UPS is terminated effective immediately under atricle 28, section 2, ot the WRT agreement.
Division manager
Now Tie tell me where that first package doesn't have anything to do with this when in fact it has everything to do with it. Also They knew damn well they didn't Just catch someone who falfisfies records, they knew exaclty what they were doing.

Ok. I brought in your previous quote which I thought meant the three packages were hanging you.

Did the three packages get presented at the panel hearing?

What evidence did they provide that the first delivery was falsified?


Active Member
sorry I was paraphrasing on the statement I made in that one. Thats why I wasn't sure you were understanding. I typed out my entire termination letter so you would understand. The 3 packages were touched on at the hearing but only for a few minutes. The main topic was the first delivery. They went to the customer and asked if she was in at the time of the first delivery attempt. She signed a statement that she was in, however the time was crossed out and new time put in. So there were alot of questions directed at my sup regarding that statement, as she did not initial it or write it there was only her signature on it. SHE WAS NOT THERE! She has a 50 ft gate that when closed and locked you cannot get to her door. The union had all kinds of pictures of it and she wasn't there when they went there either. But that is the only proof they have. And she never did dispute the first delivery attempt. She complained that it didn't get attempted the next day because she had been there(according to her). I did not have the package the next day. or on the 20th either although the center ods me about it and I was thinking that I had it. But when I look on my truck I realize that I wasn't even on that route and Didn't have the package by the time I call back into the Center the package had been delivered. hmm imagine that.


Active Member
The sad thing is that you were fired for the very thing that CMs and On Cars tell drivers to do. And what's ever worse is that they will do the same things too while they are delivering packages, which is a no no. It's no surprise how fast they will turn the tables on the drivers because they won't hesitate to falsify deliverys and sign for packages before they are delivered. I hope you get your job back. We had a guy a couple of years ago who was falsifying records and was fired. His case went to arbitration after only 2 months. Drivers usually get their jobs back and management knows this but they still deadlock the cases anyway because that is part of the game. They know that the driver will struggle financially while this goes on so they look at that as being the minimum punishment but they also hope that the driver get's frustrated with the whole process and gives up. That is what happened to our driver. I think that blatant infractions warrant terminations but I don't think your case falls within that category. It just seems to wrong that they can get away with it but will ruin a driver's life for doing the same thing. The lesson here is that we should all do the job by the book everyday. If that were to happen then the only people that would be falsifying records would be the sups.
believe me when I say from now til forever it will only be by the book even if it takes longer. I have definitly learned an invaluble lesson. And you are exactly right if I had been by the book none of this would of happen no matter how much he didn't like me. I gave the ammunition or as tie would say the bullets. But thank you for the support bro