How many times a year can you qualify?


Well-Known Member
Is there any limit to how many times a person can try to qualify in a year? If I bid on a full time driver spot and attempt to qualify, then don't qualify. Can I just sign the next bid sheet and if I have seniority try again no matter how long after?


Resident Suit
Please let me enjoy my beer in peace.


Light 'em up!
In the Central, if you don't qualify, as long as you didn't DQ yourself, you can try again the next bid. No waiting period.

If you fail on the 2nd attempt, you're DQ'ed for 3 years.
Is there any limit to how many times a person can try to qualify in a year? If I bid on a full time driver spot and attempt to qualify, then don't qualify. Can I just sign the next bid sheet and if I have seniority try again no matter how long after?
I don't know about simply not qualifying, but if you're DQ'd for an accident, you have to wait a year. have to wait to go back to Intergrad. Then however long they want to toy with you on your 30 day qualifying. Here, anyway.