A pt sup in my era was not easy. But I had more control, I ran the whole place, no crap. I took it for the money, and regular hours as I had children, and wanted a stable work time. I knew nothing of preload, but they taught me, I had a great group of people to work with. PT MGMT has no clear career path, but it does look good on a resume.
Now I dont know what you can learn from it because you are a tool only. Then....... I was the only one in our center who could run a pc, when we first got them. Before that all we had was sysm, everything else was run by phone and paper. I learned alot, one of them being I didnt want to use my hard earned business degree at UPS. Now my degree is old and so am I. I got a chance to drive, took me 75 miles one way from my family because I was so abused I wanted out. I got out and never looked back. I would not recommend it, but if it is for short term, go for it, if long term, No.