How much is in your personal strike fund?


All Trash No Trailer
I'm not sure why I would need a 'strike fund'. Six months of expenses in savings is a basic emergency fund everyone should have irregardless of a strike.
This is aside from that.I have a nice chunk in 401-K and Stocks but that is for retirement and will not be touched. My strike fund is totally cash,very liquid and easy to get to if i need it


Happy Verified UPSer
we had about 12k set aside in 97 plus had a job lined up when we walked. picket line during the day and then that job at night.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
I am ahead on most all my bills. I have most of my balances on my Teamster Credit Card, which I believe suspends payments in the event of a strike.......

Maple Grove MN Driver

Cocaine Mang!
I can't wait to party on the Picket line.
Plan on throwing 100 dolla bills around to all my Teamster Brothers on the line.
The least I can do being retired and raking in rental income.
Every day you on the line I will throw a couple Hundy your way.
Plus beer, Burgers, Brats and Steaks.