How much is in your personal strike fund?


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt a agreement anytime soon peak will come and go and maybe in February when we loose our leverage we get a horrible deal and enough people vote yes for a retro check and a signing bonus.


Well-Known Member
I know I'm saying they now use this as leverage against us because so much of workforce is part time and don't think long-term they try to pin part time against full time drivers against 22.3. Divide and conquer because we have no strength nationally

john chesney

Well-Known Member
Have just over 5k in my strike fund. Another 6k in my "fired" fund.

Also talked to my cousin that works for a food distributor for restaurants. He got me 4 cases of hamburgers that usually go to Black Angus. So if we go on strike there will be a nice bbq for my fellow members at least one day. :)
You might want to bump up that fired fun