How secure are we?


Well-Known Member
It seems as though a lot of posters on BC are from relatively podunk explains the flavor of some of the posts.


Well-Known Member
I got a bottle thrown at me once, while sitting at a red light. What if this drunk/high/mentally disturbed person had a gun in the cup holder instead of a bottle?


Well-Known Member
While I mostly agree with your statement, why not explore why lot's of folks feel the same way? And even YOU might agree that it(UPS as a workplace) could be a whole lot better.

I worked in a small center (<125 total employees) in a union-weak area of NY. For the most part everyone got along and we all worked together to get the job done. We had a mentor program for new hires and a safety committee that tried its best to effect change. I don't know how it could have been a whole lot better.

I was up in that area yesterday and did notice that they had expanded the building. This had been planned since they first bought the property and erected the main building. Brand new parking lot. It looked really good.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I worked in a small center (<125 total employees) in a union-weak area of NY. For the most part everyone got along and we all worked together to get the job done. We had a mentor program for new hires and a safety committee that tried its best to effect change. I don't know how it could have been a whole lot better.

I was up in that area yesterday and did notice that they had expanded the building. This had been planned since they first bought the property and erected the main building. Brand new parking lot. It looked really good.

Ok. Got all that. All I can say is that some of the most miserable, vindictive A wholes (I've ever met) have been my mgt. at UPS. In my whole life. But when you read just some of the dumb stuff we do(I realize bad attitudes abound here) you can't imagine how it could be better? I also realize we got a job to do. For me, I just wish after busting your butt for 12 hours(and overcoming all the obstacles mgt. gave you) you could get an attaboy not "why did you lay down on me" "you're stealing time" why are you over". It doesn't have to be this way.


Ok. Got all that. All I can say is that some of the most miserable, vindictive A wholes (I've ever met) have been my mgt. at UPS. In my whole life. But when you read just some of the dumb stuff we do(I realize bad attitudes abound here) you can't imagine how it could be better? I also realize we got a job to do. For me, I just wish after busting your butt for 12 hours(and overcoming all the obstacles mgt. gave you) you could get an attaboy not "why did you lay down on me" "you're stealing time" why are you over". It doesn't have to be this way.

Is the pay check on Friday not good enough
You’re a grown man why do you feel the need to be coddled

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
Is the pay check on Friday not good enough
You’re a grown man why do you feel the need to be coddled

Coddled? I'd settle for not being abused. I'm not here for the accolades or trophy's. I do not possess any awards for service or safety(I've been given many), they go straight in the trash(at work). The paycheck is all that is meaningful @ UPS. And those awards? They only get generated because of a computer program, not any interest in mgt.
Coddled? I'd settle for not being abused. I'm not here for the accolades or trophy's. I do not possess any awards for service or safety(I've been given many), they go straight in the trash(at work). The paycheck is all that is meaningful @ UPS. And those awards? They only get generated because of a computer program, not any interest in mgt.
So back to your original post- who did you report this to?


I love my job. Don't you?
What podunk town you living in? My building is equipped with a third party security company; complete with a guard shack, metal detectors, badge scanners, etc. Hell if your badge doesn’t scan green they won’t let you in here.

Our guards are well known for falling asleep on the job. I don't think a single one is under 60 years old. Not sure who they're actually going to stop


Well-Known Member
I got a bottle thrown at me once, while sitting at a red light. What if this drunk/high/mentally disturbed person had a gun in the cup holder instead of a bottle?
You are more secure than a lowly cashier clerk right now. Anything can happen anywhere.

trailer loader

Trailer Loader
What podunk town you living in? My building is equipped with a third party security company; complete with a guard shack, metal detectors, badge scanners, etc. Hell if your badge doesn’t scan green they won’t let you in here.

Every since the pandemic, they don't check badges or even wand us anymore. The guard shack is just a brief shelter from the rain before we enter the main building.

we have security, or rather, a few guys in uniform who sit on their ass and watch us walk in and out. about once or twice a year the hub bosses get on them to check bags, badges, prop passes ect. then after a few weeks they quit caring, this year since the pandemic, they have been told not to check, only ask to see badges, which they dont because they have seen us everyday, but even months before, they quit checking. every so often (pre pandemic) we would get a newbie guard who would follow procedure to the letter, while the older guys would just watch and laugh and give us a "sorry hes new" look, haha then after a few weeks of that, they follow suit of the rest and stop.