i dont know how people do it, i really dont. i have a few QVC/HSN nuts on my routes as well. They've gotten everything from clothes to bed frames to TV's & endless other crapola. It just amazes me that someone could order something every single day. at least with drugs or alcohol there's a physical addiction but to sit in front of the TV or computer just looking for stuff to buy when you dont even need it?!?! insane. I've only seen the inside of 1 of these ladies' houses & I dont ever want to see it again. It was full of boxes, bags, newspapers & other misc. junk that seemed as if it was sitting there for months. Those are the kinda folks you read about in the paper where they had been dead for weeks but nobody could find them cause they have no friends or family & the only reason they're found is because the neighbors complain about the smell coming from the house.