Hunter Biden is going DOWN!


Well-Known Member
I had read in 2017 that he had investment banking experience. Apparently most of his experience was in his wealthy family's real estate firm. He did graduate with honors from Harvard.

But that crack about always lying. You say that but you don't point out specific lies. Your problem is you know your Democratic leadership are a bunch of crooks and you can't stand anyone pointing it out. Hillary and Joe are two of the biggest political crooks in history. Pretty sad. Must you always defend people who are destroying this country?
Van, give it a rest. If the proposed plea agreement is agreeable to the Trump appointed Delaware U.S. attorney AND the Trump appointed federal judge.....what else actually matters?

Without question that Trump appointed attorney is under heavy political pressure to gain a jail time conviction. It would appear that he believed that the case against Hunter Biden was weak to the point where Biden could end up acquitted and the prosecution coming away with nothing.

Apparently the prosecution believes that this was the best deal he could get. If you don't like it then go to law school, get your degree, pass the bar exam , then go to work at a DA's office.


Engorged Member
I had read in 2017 that he had investment banking experience. Apparently most of his experience was in his wealthy family's real estate firm. He did graduate with honors from Harvard.

But that crack about always lying. You say that but you don't point out specific lies. Your problem is you know your Democratic leadership are a bunch of crooks and you can't stand anyone pointing it out. Hillary and Joe are two of the biggest political crooks in history. Pretty sad. Must you always defend people who are destroying this country?
The only thing Hunter is going down on is apparently the women in his videos.


Well-Known Member
Van, give it a rest. If the proposed plea agreement is agreeable to the Trump appointed Delaware U.S. attorney AND the Trump appointed federal judge.....what else actually matters?

Without question that Trump appointed attorney is under heavy political pressure to gain a jail time conviction. It would appear that he believed that the case against Hunter Biden was weak to the point where Biden could end up acquitted and the prosecution coming away with nothing.

Apparently the prosecution believes that this was the best deal he could get. If you don't like it then go to law school, get your degree, pass the bar exam , then go to work at a DA's office.
Baloney. There's proof that Hunter took millions in bribes and I bet neither he nor his family reported it. You go after me over nothing in taxes and make excuses for the Bidens. Good luck. If the Republicans win the White House in '24 then Hunter Biden will be prosecuted.


Well-Known Member
Baloney. There's proof that Hunter took millions in bribes and I bet neither he nor his family reported it. You go after me over nothing in taxes and make excuses for the Bidens. Good luck. If the Republicans win the White House in '24 then Hunter Biden will be prosecuted.
If there is proof, why hasn’t it been been made public and acted on?

Are the same rules applicable to the Trump crime family?


Well-Known Member
Seems like a personal attack. Why are you calling someone a liar? Aren’t you in enough trouble? Maybe you should just assume it was a mistake if you have information that he doesn’t know instead of hurling insults
He makes accusations without any specifics. I'm more than happy to say I'm wrong if he shows me. And I'm saying over and over if there's proof of wrongdoing it doesn't matter to me which party they're in, prosecute and imprison them. I want an honest government as much as we can have one and not a dog and pony show while they all line their pockets. The partisans on the other hand want to lie and cheat to ream the other side while protecting their own. The reason I go after the Democrats for corruption so much is because as corruption goes there's more there there. Harry Truman, a great Democrat, said anyone who gets rich in politics is a crook. Washington is awash in multimillionaires who started a lot poorer. @Sportello @bacha29 @MrFedEx @728ups


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
He makes accusations without any specifics. I'm more than happy to say I'm wrong if he shows me. And I'm saying over and over if there's proof of wrongdoing it doesn't matter to me which party they're in, prosecute and imprison them. I want an honest government as much as we can have one and not a dog and pony show while they all line their pockets. The partisans on the other hand want to lie and cheat to ream the other side while protecting their own. The reason I go after the Democrats for corruption so much is because as corruption goes there's more there there. Harry Truman, a great Democrat, said anyone who gets rich in politics is a crook. Washington is awash in multimillionaires who started a lot poorer. @Sportello @bacha29 @MrFedEx @728ups
You do know the definition of insanity, right? When will you learn? There’s no arguing with these people. Mockery is what they deserve.


Well-Known Member
You do know the definition of insanity, right? When will you learn? There’s no arguing with these people. Mockery is what they deserve.
Gives me the opportunity to put out information someone reading it may have not heard. What's the point of discussion if you are only going to discuss things already agreed on?


Well-Known Member
Baloney. There's proof that Hunter took millions in bribes and I bet neither he nor his family reported it. You go after me over nothing in taxes and make excuses for the Bidens. Good luck. If the Republicans win the White House in '24 then Hunter Biden will be prosecuted.
You must not have heard of the Fifth Amendment. If as a result of the plea deal federal prosecutors rest their case then the matter is closed.
Now Grassley stated on the floor of the Senate that there are now serious doubts about the actual existence of the video and audio tapes that the so called "informant' claims to have. As the FBI pointed out there are FB-1023's being filed all the time from people from all walks of life and from all kinds of different sources. Very few of them are found to be credible enough to act upon.


Well-Known Member
Baloney. There's proof that Hunter took millions in bribes and I bet neither he nor his family reported it. You go after me over nothing in taxes and make excuses for the Bidens. Good luck. If the Republicans win the White House in '24 then Hunter Biden will be prosecuted.
There's hope but I don't think it's gonna happen.
Biden has bought the gay vote, the illegal (and legal) migrant vote and has friends in high places that can manipulate things.

....and the American public is so GD dumb that they will go along with it.

Mark Trickster's word....if the Dems win '24, we are doomed.


Well-Known Member
There's hope but I don't think it's gonna happen.
Biden has bought the gay vote, the illegal (and legal) migrant vote and has friends in high places that can manipulate things.

....and the American public is so GD dumb that they will go along with it.

Mark Trickster's word....if the Dems win '24, we are doomed.
Was a self described gay Democrat who was the whistleblower who testified to Congress today on how the IRS is covering for Hunter Biden.