Hunter Biden is going DOWN!

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
It's a scheduled break.
There's pressure to do something. This congress has introduced the fewest full session bills in US history. 22 bills have been passed all year, the majority of which were renaming bridges, tunnels and libraries. There's a desperation to take something back to their constituates.


Well-Known Member
There's pressure to do something. This congress has introduced the fewest full session bills in US history. 22 bills have been passed all year, the majority of which were renaming bridges, tunnels and libraries. There's a desperation to take something back to their constituates.
It's a divided Congress so anything of substance is shot down by the other chamber. The beauty of an impeachment is the House can vote to impeach. The Senate can't stop it but has to take it up with a trial. It's the perfect chance for Democrats to dump Biden. Likely get it as close to the election as possible so Kamala won't be in charge too long. Not saying it'll play out that way, but if the Democrats are desperate to get another candidate in then it's the perfect opportunity. All they have to do is admit the evidence against Biden is real and damning enough to require removal. More than likely, if they signal to Biden that they will support removal, Biden will resign. Probably with some guarantees that neither he or his family will be pursued. I know some here want to deny everything but when the polls are saying the majority of Democrats think Biden is too old and that Biden is losing in '24 then don't be shocked if the above scenario plays out.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
It's a divided Congress so anything of substance is shot down by the other chamber. The beauty of an impeachment is the House can vote to impeach. The Senate can't stop it but has to take it up with a trial. It's the perfect chance for Democrats to dump Biden. Likely get it as close to the election as possible so Kamala won't be in charge too long. Not saying it'll play out that way, but if the Democrats are desperate to get another candidate in then it's the perfect opportunity. All they have to do is admit the evidence against Biden is real and damning enough to require removal. More than likely, if they signal to Biden that they will support removal, Biden will resign. Probably with some guarantees that neither he or his family will be pursued. I know some here want to deny everything but when the polls are saying the majority of Democrats think Biden is too old and that Biden is losing in '24 then don't be shocked if the above scenario plays out.
No, 22 House bills.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
I've seen the Democrats do this also. You win one of the chambers during the midterms and are determined not to help the White House in order to have messaging during Presidential cycle. I'm sure the House in this cycle was determined to have 2022 replayed in 2023. Instead they sat on their hands as inflation was reduced, 3 million jobs were created, 5.5 million small businesses were created, GDP grew at 5+ % and the stock market grew at 25+%. If Powell is correct and inflation gets to 2.5 % by mid year and the recession is mild, with only 4.2% unemployment and 4.25% short term rates, the house will have no claims to the US economy and it's direction. They rolled the dice and to this point look foolish.