Hunter Biden is going DOWN!

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
The FBI presented the Steele Dossier to the FISA court, even called it verified when it wasn't, as a supporting document to get warrants to spy on the Trump campaign and then during the transition. This has been gone over too. So much so that the Inspector General pointed it out and caused the FISA court to sternly rebuke the FBI. The FBI 4th in command warned the FBI leadership that the dossier couldn't be corroborated but that didn't stop Comey and McCabe from signing off that it had been verified. If you aren't happy with this timeline take it up with the Inspector General.
Doesn't change the fact that the "dossier" wasn't the basis for the FBI investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign. YOU said that it was the basis, it wasn't. I'm done arguing with a brick wall about this.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't change the fact that the "dossier" wasn't the basis for the FBI investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign. YOU said that it was the basis, it wasn't. I'm done arguing with a brick wall about this.
What then in your estimation was the "basis?" The FBI couldn't just investigate a presidential campaign. They had to get permission from the FISA court. Also known as warrants. They had to present documentation that gave the FISA court a reason to issue said warrants. The Steele Dossier was what they used. They lied that they had verified it. The Inspector General turned all this up and the FISA court issued a rebuke. However what they did was illegal and they weren't held to account other than Andy McCabe lost his job. If you're going to argue this then you need to get beyond the suppression of information by your favorite liberal media outlet.


Staff member
Hundreds of bank Suspicious Activity Reports are BS? Paid informants of the FBI, people who have received hundreds of thousands over the years for solid, verified information on criminal activity of various people, are just hyping BS? Those are reports the FBI tried to keep Congress from getting. IRS and FBI whistleblowers, some even registered Democrats, are just making up stuff? The noose is tightening and y'all are in denial because you've been indoctrinated to believe only Republicans are corrupt.
All that and zero arrests/convictions? Even the “Russia hoax” did better than that.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
What then in your estimation was the "basis?" The FBI couldn't just investigate a presidential campaign. They had to get permission from the FISA court. Also known as warrants. They had to present documentation that gave the FISA court a reason to issue said warrants. The Steele Dossier was what they used. They lied that they had verified it. The Inspector General turned all this up and the FISA court issued a rebuke. However what they did was illegal and they weren't held to account other than Andy McCabe lost his job. If you're going to argue this then you need to get beyond the suppression of information by your favorite liberal media outlet.


Strength through joy
i married an america and live in america part time now.

am i allowed to speak out against the govt now according to your logic?
Another post of your mistaken logic.
So you now claim to have married a country and it only allows you to visit sometimes ?


Inordinately Right
Let’s hear Hunter’s side of the story in a PUBLIC hearing. Or wait… why doesn’t the Republican Party want him to speak publicly?
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat who sits on the January 6 panel, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" on Sunday that the committee hasn't yet had a chance to discuss Bannon's letter, but that "I expect that we will be hearing from him and there are many questions that we have for him."

Lofgren, however, said that public testimony from Bannon was unlikely, noting that the committee typically does depositions. "This goes on for hour after hour after hour. We want to get all our questions answered, and you can't do that in a live format," she said.

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, a California Democrat who sits on the January 6 panel, told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" on Sunday that the committee hasn't yet had a chance to discuss Bannon's letter, but that "I expect that we will be hearing from him and there are many questions that we have for him."

Lofgren, however, said that public testimony from Bannon was unlikely, noting that the committee typically does depositions. "This goes on for hour after hour after hour. We want to get all our questions answered, and you can't do that in a live format," she said.
Right, but Republicans demanded Hunter be grilled in a public hearing and he called their bluff. They’re idiots.