I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
:censored2: like this even sorta worries me. i have a good bit of seniority for lower paying positions, but im not sure whether i would hang in there for the higher paying ones under a debt bubble popping.

"All this will soon be compounded by financial collapse. Wall Street banks have been handed $16 trillion in bailouts and other subsidies by the Federal Reserve and Congress at nearly zero percent interest since the 2008 financial collapse. They have used this money, as well as the money saved through the huge tax cuts imposed last year, to buy back their own stock, raising the compensation and bonuses of their managers and thrusting the society deeper into untenable debt peonage. Sheldon Adelson’s casino operations alone got a $670 million tax break under the 2017 legislation. The ratio of CEO to worker pay now averages 339 to 1, with the highest gap approaching 5,000 to 1. This circular use of money to make and hoard money is what Karl Marx called “fictitious capital.” The steady increase in public debt, corporate debt, credit card debt and student loan debt will ultimately lead, as Nomi Prins writes, to “a tipping point—when money coming in to furnish that debt, or available to borrow, simply won’t cover the interest payments. Then debt bubbles will pop, beginning with higher yielding bonds.”

An economy reliant on debt for its growth causes our interest rate to jump to 28 percent when we are late on a credit card payment. It is why our wages are stagnant or have declined in real terms—if we earned a sustainable income we would not have to borrow money to survive. It is why a university education, houses, medical bills and utilities cost so much. The system is designed so we can never free ourselves from debt.

However, the next financial crash, as Prins points out in her book “Collusion: How Central Bankers Rigged the World,” won’t be like the last one. This is because, as she says, “there is no Plan B.” Interest rates can’t go any lower. There has been no growth in the real economy. The next time, there will be no way out. Once the economy crashes and the rage across the country explodes into a firestorm, the political freaks will appear, ones that will make Trump look sagacious and benign. - chris hedges


Well-Known Member
troubles in paradise:

Nearly 51 Million Households In The United States "Can't Afford Basics Like Rent And Food"

Nearly 51 million households don’t earn enough to afford a monthly budget that includes housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and a cell phone, according to a studyreleased Thursday by the United Way ALICE Project. That’s 43% of households in the United States.

Of course the biggest reason why so many American families are struggling is the lack of good jobs.

In America today, 66 percent of all jobs pay less than 20 dollars an hour.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm. So vacation is over and you’re now back to not eating meat and again lecturing us. Interesting.
well i do have more spare time on my hands now....

today i ate a ton of dead animals because i ate out.

as far as lecturing thats just your twisted perspective ;). my POV is "come with me if you want to live".


Well-Known Member
troubles in paradise:

Nearly 51 Million Households In The United States "Can't Afford Basics Like Rent And Food"

Nearly 51 million households don’t earn enough to afford a monthly budget that includes housing, food, child care, health care, transportation and a cell phone, according to a studyreleased Thursday by the United Way ALICE Project. That’s 43% of households in the United States.

Of course the biggest reason why so many American families are struggling is the lack of good jobs.

In America today, 66 percent of all jobs pay less than 20 dollars an hour.
Yet they all have cellphones, Netflix, x-box, WiFi, and eat out twice a week.


Well-Known Member
Landmark lawsuit claims Monsanto hid cancer danger of weedkiller for decades

These are the things you should be worrying about more than Capitalism.

gary ruskin has been on ralph nader radio hour a few times. ralphs covered monsanto quite a bit.

centre for science in public interest has something called chemical cuisine and it rates all the chemicals in our foods. i dont really follow it, i just eat mega tacos, fruits, avoid added sugars, taco salads. the worst stuff in my diet is probably peanut butter, or breads / wraps, or maybe fake cheese.

i think were so used to our society being what it is with crime, cynicism, people being alone, dishonesty, corruption, etc that we overlook what kind of effects our economy has on it.

El Correcto

god is dead
well i do have more spare time on my hands now....

today i ate a ton of dead animals because i ate out.

as far as lecturing thats just your twisted perspective ;). my POV is "come with me if you want to live".
How do you feel about hunting animals? Canadian hunting must be pretty awesome?


Well-Known Member
not an expert but my gut tells me no.
Probably not an issue in Canada but in the States we've eliminated most of the natural predators. Predators mostly go after the weak and infirm. Keeps the deer population healthy and in check. Without predators the deer population gets too large, overeats foliage they prefer. Leads to starvation and spread of disease. Hunting isn't ideal because hunters seek impressive trophies as well as healthy animals to eat. Natural predation is preferable, but at least hunting keeps the population from growing too large.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
not an expert but my gut tells me no.
Sometimes there is more to the story than our guts tell us. Would I ever kill a deer, no, but I realize it’s a necessary evil for their benefit as well as ours. Where I live, deer are way over populated and cause big problems. Thank goodness deer meat is desired by hunters so they don’t kill them just to kill.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
Probably not an issue in Canada but in the States we've eliminated most of the natural predators. Predators mostly go after the weak and infirm. Keeps the deer population healthy and in check. Without predators the deer population gets too large, overeats foliage they prefer. Leads to starvation and spread of disease. Hunting isn't ideal because hunters seek impressive trophies as well as healthy animals to eat. Natural predation is preferable, but at least hunting keeps the population from growing too large.
And that doesn’t even include deer ticks and Lyme disease.