I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


If it’s brown, it’s going down
how about a trip to america 1.5 trillion of "socialism" on war every year?
Keep avoiding the real issue which is the fact that you dont want to change, but expect the world to change to your expectations of what life should be. Until you learn to change yourself you will not set an example for others to change and will lead to generations of people that expect the world to conform to ideas that have not, will not and do not work. There does that explain the life story of @rickyb in a nut shell


Well-Known Member
Keep avoiding the real issue which is the fact that you dont want to change, but expect the world to change to your expectations of what life should be. Until you learn to change yourself you will not set an example for others to change and will lead to generations of people that expect the world to conform to ideas that have not, will not and do not work. There does that explain the life story of @rickyb in a nut shell
your such a bad american, you couldnt even come up with a good lie.


Well-Known Member
Trump has problems...


USA has problems...



Look, it’s ok to view your President or Country and say that not everything is perfect.

There’s a difference between Patriotism and Nationalism.


Well-Known Member
Typical liberal, zero responsibility, always someone to blame for your problems.
Who's blaming anyone liberace? I took responsibility for my wife's bills, got them paid off. You on the other hand would've balked at paying other's bills. The real liberal, you, is the one who always try to smear someone personally because you don't have a real argument on facts. Tell me again how the U.S. has destroyed other countries in order to take their resources. You're a lying liberal period.


Well-Known Member
Well let's review why you had to retire early with no savings and a bunch of debt:

No one made you stuff your face with cheeseburgers your entire life. Typical liberal, excuses excuses excuses.
Who's making excuses? It's what I have. You on the other hand are a lying liberal. Apparently no cure for that. And of course, Obama did worse.


Well-Known Member
i was getting weighed for indoor skydiving in vegas, and i lost 30 lbs. i am the lightest ive ever been since grade 8....although i have more gut flab then ever. thats without trying just being vegetarian and i started doing exercises while walking the dog and eating every 2.5 hours or less.

You know I'm messin with you.


Well-Known Member
It's what you HAVE?
LMFAO, it's not some random disease. Even now you can't take responsibility.
You chose to fill your body with garbage for years. Typical liberal, excuses excuses excuses.
What's your point? Of course diabetes got brought on by eating the wrong things. Based on what I've read, it contributed to my artery getting plugged. My bad knee most likely came from too much stair climbing, climbing in and out of the truck all day. It wore out. So? This is where I am right now. Making the most of the resources I have. You on the other hand are a young man filled with rage. Why is that? Is it because you think it's unfair that you have to work hard while others seem to be doing better on less effort? You're obviously frustrated. Do you envy the 1%? Did your mother bottle feed or breastfeed you? There, there, there, it'll get better. Someday you'll hit 55 like I did and realize you only have 15 or so years of work left. You can do it sunshine! We're all counting on you!


Inordinately Right
What's your point? Of course diabetes got brought on by eating the wrong things. Based on what I've read, it contributed to my artery getting plugged. My bad knee most likely came from too much stair climbing, climbing in and out of the truck all day. It wore out. So? This is where I am right now. Making the most of the resources I have. You on the other hand are a young man filled with rage. Why is that? Is it because you think it's unfair that you have to work hard while others seem to be doing better on less effort? You're obviously frustrated. Do you envy the 1%? Did your mother bottle feed or breastfeed you? There, there, there, it'll get better. Someday you'll hit 55 like I did and realize you only have 15 or so years of work left. You can do it sunshine! We're all counting on you!
lulz you're so triggered right now
too easy


Well-Known Member
lulz you're so triggered right now
too easy
Dude I'm kicking back surfing the internet in a great country where you can eat a fantastic meal for $8, a very decent one for $4. Got a Chipotle size burrito yesterday for just over $2. And I'm about to venture forth to try another new restaurant. Tomorrow Deadpool 2 opens up, will cost just over $2 to see it. Another $2 for snacks. In two weeks I'm going to be living near 20,000'+ mountains in an even cheaper city. People are friendly. How's the pkg delivery working for you?


Inordinately Right
Dude I'm kicking back surfing the internet in a great country where you can eat a fantastic meal for $8, a very decent one for $4. Got a Chipotle size burrito yesterday for just over $2. And I'm about to venture forth to try another new restaurant. Tomorrow Deadpool 2 opens up, will cost just over $2 to see it. Another $2 for snacks. In two weeks I'm going to be living near 20,000'+ mountains in an even cheaper city. People are friendly. How's the pkg delivery working for you?
I don't touch cardboard anymore.
And I live in the USA, so whatever garbage debate you're attempting, you lost it from the start.