I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
Why don't you move to Venezuela? I'd bet the farm you'd be crying to come back here.

You want some money? You work for it. You want luxury items? You save up for it. People like you kill me. Instead of fighting for all the lazy people out there, has it ever occurred to you that folks make thwir own fate?

I can't tell you how many people I see whining about their circumstances yet they have the newest smartphone, a brand new car, and a house they can't afford. Live below your means man.

No offense, but I am not for taking from the rich and giving to the "poor". Poor is a state of mind. Socialism is just a soft word for communism. It doesn't work. It NEVER has.
capitalism doesnt work either. it just works on a superficial level. capitalism has ravaged the environment more than alot of people understand.

alot of westerners including americans are struggling. thats why you voted trump.

"folks" do and dont make their own fate. there are forces bigger than us which shape our lives.

your not rich btw.


Well-Known Member
Now you’ve done it. He cannot think/reason for himself. Now he will puke out a ton of propaganda. He doesn’t understand how anything he posts would work in the real world.
your mentioning propaganda to a guy who is spouting off about venezuela, a country which america is currently meddling with LOL


Well-Known Member
capitalism doesnt work either. it just works on a superficial level. capitalism has ravaged the environment more than alot of people understand.

alot of westerners including americans are struggling. thats why you voted trump.

"folks" do and dont make their own fate. there are forces bigger than us which shape our lives.

your not rich btw.
Could you please just once and for all tell us what system will guarantee no one will struggle? That won't deplete the Earth's resources or harm the environment? Will guarantee peace and harmony? There are 7 billion plus people on the planet. Billions of them have their own little agendas. Humanity is an ever ebbing and flowing boiling pot and no few rich guys control everything. Where I'm at college age people have never heard of Netflix or Amazon. You assume too much, you presume too much. If you somehow managed to bring down the whole system all you would do is create a power vacuum that others would gladly step in and fill, and kill you if you stood in their way. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life raging against the machine? If you don't have a family then get a dog or two. Focus all your energy on them, give them a great life, and in the end you will have accomplished something worthwhile. Or you can continue to spit in the wind.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Could you please just once and for all tell us what system will guarantee no one will struggle? That won't deplete the Earth's resources or harm the environment? Will guarantee peace and harmony? There are 7 billion plus people on the planet. Billions of them have their own little agendas. Humanity is an ever ebbing and flowing boiling pot and no few rich guys control everything. Where I'm at college age people have never heard of Netflix or Amazon. You assume too much, you presume too much. If you somehow managed to bring down the whole system all you would do is create a power vacuum that others would gladly step in and fill, and kill you if you stood in their way. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life raging against the machine? If you don't have a family then get a dog or two. Focus all your energy on them, give them a great life, and in the end you will have accomplished something worthwhile. Or you can continue to spit in the wind.
I was listening to Jonah Goldberg on a podcast today and he was making some good points about capitalism. The most interesting to me was how capatalism is a very recent system in terms of human history. Democratic capatalist society is not a natural state for humans. It has been the engine for the greatest increase in wealth for the average person while also elevating some to extreme riches. Every system we’ve tried so far has some people substantially better off than the rest, only capatilism has raised the quality of life of the average serf much more than anything else we’ve tried.


Well-Known Member
I was listening to Jonah Goldberg on a podcast today and he was making some good points about capitalism. The most interesting to me was how capatalism is a very recent system in terms of human history. Democratic capatalist society is not a natural state for humans. It has been the engine for the greatest increase in wealth for the average person while also elevating some to extreme riches. Every system we’ve tried so far has some people substantially better off than the rest, only capatilism has raised the quality of life of the average serf much more than anything else we’ve tried.

Seems to me we're reaching the end of the capitalist system.

It's worked wonders, but it hasn't delivered on all its promises.

Everything was supposed to be taken care of via the market, but it hasn't worked out that way.

We need to get off the planet, just saying.


Well-Known Member
Could you please just once and for all tell us what system will guarantee no one will struggle? That won't deplete the Earth's resources or harm the environment? Will guarantee peace and harmony? There are 7 billion plus people on the planet. Billions of them have their own little agendas. Humanity is an ever ebbing and flowing boiling pot and no few rich guys control everything. Where I'm at college age people have never heard of Netflix or Amazon. You assume too much, you presume too much. If you somehow managed to bring down the whole system all you would do is create a power vacuum that others would gladly step in and fill, and kill you if you stood in their way. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life raging against the machine? If you don't have a family then get a dog or two. Focus all your energy on them, give them a great life, and in the end you will have accomplished something worthwhile. Or you can continue to spit in the wind.
im not an expert but im guessing whatever system actually works would be localized, efficient, decentralized, more democratic....and have synthetic meat instead of the real thing.

i dont think just raising a family is good enough or is anything to be proud of. i plan on having 1 kid max.


Well-Known Member
i love ralph nader.

on 1 of his radio shows he finished it by mentioning memorial day and all the soldiers that died for their country (in theory).

he said we should also remember all the workers that died for their corporations LOL


Well-Known Member
Black Socialists of America‏ @BlackSocialists 20h20 hours ago

The suicide rate is up 30% since 1999.

People are struggling to find meaning in what feels like an increasingly meaningless world.

Overwhelming debt.

No work-life balance.

24-hour bad news.


Hold out:

The cause is Capitalism.

We can build the alternative.


Well-Known Member
harvey has noticed capitalist crises becoming worse since 1970s and predicts the next one will be bigger than 2008. nomi prins also predicts the same.

i have quite a bit of seniority at my job, but i may get bumped to a lower paying position depending how serious it is.



Well-Known Member
Could you please just once and for all tell us what system will guarantee no one will struggle? That won't deplete the Earth's resources or harm the environment? Will guarantee peace and harmony? There are 7 billion plus people on the planet. Billions of them have their own little agendas. Humanity is an ever ebbing and flowing boiling pot and no few rich guys control everything. Where I'm at college age people have never heard of Netflix or Amazon. You assume too much, you presume too much. If you somehow managed to bring down the whole system all you would do is create a power vacuum that others would gladly step in and fill, and kill you if you stood in their way. Do you really want to spend the rest of your life raging against the machine? If you don't have a family then get a dog or two. Focus all your energy on them, give them a great life, and in the end you will have accomplished something worthwhile. Or you can continue to spit in the wind.
the system will infect your family even if you ignore it. corporate capitalism is all encompassing.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
". "Increases in suicide tend to correlate with economic downturns," she said, and this generation has been hit particularly hard by economic hardship in recent years."

While prevention efforts mainly focus on identifying and providing treatment for people with mental illness, experts say suicide is rarely caused by a single factor.

In fact, researchers found that more than half of people who died by suicide during the study period did not have a known diagnosed mental health condition at the time of death. Other issues, including relationship problems, substance abuse, physical health problems, job- or money-related stress, legal or housing problems often contributed to risk for suicide, the report found.


Well-Known Member
". "Increases in suicide tend to correlate with economic downturns," she said, and this generation has been hit particularly hard by economic hardship in recent years."

While prevention efforts mainly focus on identifying and providing treatment for people with mental illness, experts say suicide is rarely caused by a single factor.

In fact, researchers found that more than half of people who died by suicide during the study period did not have a known diagnosed mental health condition at the time of death. Other issues, including relationship problems, substance abuse, physical health problems, job- or money-related stress, legal or housing problems often contributed to risk for suicide, the report found.
She said was money could be a possible cause for the 45-64 age group. Not that capitalism was the cause of suicide. The fact is we don’t know what people are thinking. If you ask everyone if they feel depressed or suicidal, very few will say yes. Relationships and health are two major factors that contribute to suicide.

It says Montana had the highest suicide rates. But Montana was one of the least hit states by the recession.


Well-Known Member
She said was money could be a possible cause for the 45-64 age group. Not that capitalism was the cause of suicide. The fact is we don’t know what people are thinking. If you ask everyone if they feel depressed or suicidal, very few will say yes. Relationships and health are two major factors that contribute to suicide.

It says Montana had the highest suicide rates. But Montana was one of the least hit states by the recession.
yea i saw that. and what causes relationship and health to deteriorate?

its not just capitalism, but capitalism (or whatever :censored2:ty corrupt system we have) is a big part of it.



Well-Known Member
housing costs to wages have gone up 3 to 4 times in vancouver and toronto over a few decades.

the middle class is dead.

we live in a society increasingly based on inheritance not merit.


Well-Known Member
housing costs to wages have gone up 3 to 4 times in vancouver and toronto over a few decades.

the middle class is dead.

we live in a society increasingly based on inheritance not merit.
Have many neighbors that live in Vancouver. They say it’s the Chinese buying it up. They are also paying the 20% buyers tax without any problem. One said they just sold, moved near abbotsford where it’s cheaper and much nicer. Do you realize there are other places to live?