I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
i dont have to ask myself, can ask them. which is exactly what americans should be doing in part instead of repeating propaganda lines from their govt and private sector.

the thing is theres lots of common failures with capitalism and "communism" and the question is why
Having spent 7 months in 4 formerly communist countries I can say that there's very little comparison between them and the U.S.. Or Canada. Some small pockets of prosperity in an otherwise bleak economic world. And the pockets of prosperity are due to embracing capitalism. Before that, according to people who live there, they literally had nothing. They are slowly getting away from the devastation that communism caused but it'll be a tough climb out of it. You think that we have it so bad in the States but compared to average people in many of these places our poor are rich. However those people are very decent people who are optimistic about their future. Family and traditions are still very important and while poor materially many are rich in spirit. Compare that to many in the West who judge everyone by the size of their bank account and think life is unfair if they don't live in a mini-mansion with all the toys.


Well-Known Member
at my job theres a ton of memos about stealing time, using your phone on the job, sneaking away from work, etc. this is because capitalism is inefficient and workers are paid by the hour regardless of how much or little work they do.

recently i had to explain to a supervisor and another coworker that we are paid by the hour so of course guys are gonna be slacking. the coworker i close with is part of the union but hes in a position with more supervisory responsibilities. anyways hes one of these guys who doesnt slack as much as the others and actually hes one of the few guys in his position to tell other guys to worker harder. today 4 of the guys decided to completely waste time and :censored2: the dog to teach him a lesson. i told him he should just relax, and it usually doesnt matter how hard the other guys work unless were actually gonna finish early, because i stay at the same speed regardless. 1 of the other coworkers today said the idea i thought of which is working hard causes lay offs, and gets rid of OT.

a guy at my job escaped communist romania. today he elaborated and said there was little to no heat last 10 years. he was there until he was 36. there was food but not much else. initially everyone was paid the same, but then they got rid of that. he said there were spies. it was illegal to protest. they shot at windows to scare people from even considering it. people died during the revolution but in other countries it wasnt violent according to him. he said something similar to what may happen here which sounds like a "cleansing" of certain political, religious, sexual, etc affiliations. college was free depending on how much money your parents made. he left after the revolution and wanted a better standard of living.


Well-Known Member
its even harder to get workers to care about the jobs they dont own, because statistically coops are more likely to work than capitalist biz.
WRONG. You obviously have no board experience. Co ops produce their own politics and in-fighting.


Well-Known Member
at my job theres a ton of memos about stealing time, using your phone on the job, sneaking away from work, etc. this is because capitalism is inefficient and workers are paid by the hour regardless of how much or little work they do.

recently i had to explain to a supervisor and another coworker that we are paid by the hour so of course guys are gonna be slacking. the coworker i close with is part of the union but hes in a position with more supervisory responsibilities. anyways hes one of these guys who doesnt slack as much as the others and actually hes one of the few guys in his position to tell other guys to worker harder. today 4 of the guys decided to completely waste time and :censored2: the dog to teach him a lesson. i told him he should just relax, and it usually doesnt matter how hard the other guys work unless were actually gonna finish early, because i stay at the same speed regardless. 1 of the other coworkers today said the idea i thought of which is working hard causes lay offs, and gets rid of OT.

a guy at my job escaped communist romania. today he elaborated and said there was little to no heat last 10 years. he was there until he was 36. there was food but not much else. initially everyone was paid the same, but then they got rid of that. he said there were spies. it was illegal to protest. they shot at windows to scare people from even considering it. people died during the revolution but in other countries it wasnt violent according to him. he said something similar to what may happen here which sounds like a "cleansing" of certain political, religious, sexual, etc affiliations. college was free depending on how much money your parents made. he left after the revolution and wanted a better standard of living.
Sounds like you have the perfect job for you. I have NEVER seen anyone “pretend to work”.

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
recently i had to explain to a supervisor and another coworker that we are paid by the hour so of course guys are gonna be slacking. the coworker i close with is part of the union but hes in a position with more supervisory responsibilities. anyways hes one of these guys who doesnt slack as much as the others and actually hes one of the few guys in his position to tell other guys to worker harder. today 4 of the guys decided to completely waste time and :censored2: the dog to teach him a lesson. i told him he should just relax, and it usually doesnt matter how hard the other guys work unless were actually gonna finish early, because i stay at the same speed regardless. 1 of the other coworkers today said the idea i thought of which is working hard causes lay offs, and gets rid of OT.

a guy at my job escaped communist romania. today he elaborated and said there was little to no heat last 10 years. he was there until he was 36. there was food but not much else. initially everyone was paid the same, but then they got rid of that. he said there were spies. it was illegal to protest. they shot at windows to scare people from even considering it. people died during the revolution but in other countries it wasnt violent according to him. he said something similar to what may happen here which sounds like a "cleansing" of certain political, religious, sexual, etc affiliations. college was free depending on how much money your parents made. he left after the revolution and wanted a better standard of living.
Guys are slacking all the time because they’re losers and have no work ethic.

Goes to show that communism is garbage and doesn’t work.

Method Mensch

Well-Known Member
Shoe Polish Head wisdom. In other words, you are wrong. Capitalism might be great if there was a level playing field. Then, the mythical free market and Horatio Alger level effort might pay-off. Unfortunately, Capitalism is a rigged game, a pyramid scheme where those atop the pyramid exploit those at the bottom of the pyramid so the top tier prospers even more. Then, these aristocrats bribe and cajole politicians to maintain the non-level playing field, perpetuating the cycle.

Ronald Reagan was a maroon.
You're definitely on the right track, here, Baba, although I don't necassarily buy into your opinion of Reagan. A single individual trying to assert himself versus a corporation doesn't have much of a chance. Collective bargaining, unions, help to level the playing field. If we Americans were more level-headed and less emotional at the voting booth, we could help remedy the situation. If we Americans took some time to educate ourselves on the issues that effect us and let our government representatives know where we stand, it would help remedy the situation. I could go on. It seems like we decide who and what we vote for or against is based on the last commercial or meme we saw.


Well-Known Member
Why did he even quote me?
The link he provided had absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Sorry I forgot facts don't matter to trumpflakes.

Carry on.
Looking back....you said “fake news” about failing co ops. He found a failing co op. Most business/co op failures are not publicized.

What does trump have to do with it?
Why did he even quote me?
The link he provided had absolutely nothing to do with what we were talking about.

Sorry I forgot facts don't matter to trumpflakes.

Carry on.